"What are you doing?" She choked.

"You looked like you needed a friend," I gave her a soft smile.

Her lip quivered, "Did he hit you too?"

My eyes widened in shock, I lowered my head, "Yeah,"

Tears began streaming down her face, "He hurt me so badly. He broke my heart. He hit me telling me it was because he loved me. He even ruined my friendship,"

I took hold of her hand and gave it a squeezed. She continued, "I guess he didn't ruin my friendship with you. I did. I didn't want to admit that it was probably my fault. I was just so upset with everything. I was convinced you stole Bradley from me. I never even liked Liam. He was just there and he liked me so I figured why not. That makes me a horrible person, doesn't it?" She let out a dry laugh, "And then he dated you. Everyone pics you over me, I don't blame them. I mean look at you, you're sweet an innocent. You don't hurt people like I do. Liam never looked at me the way he looks at you,"

My heart ached. Where was Liam? I knew that whole look thing was just and expression people said but I wished that it was true.

Tara let out a huge sob, "Why doesn't anyone want me?" She cried.

I pulled her into a hug. Her tears soaked my shirt but I didn't mind. She was hurting.

Her tears finally calmed down. She pulled away and wiped her nose. "I'm sorry I ruined your shirt," she hiccuped.

I shook my head, "It's okay I needed a new one anyway,"

Large black water circled now coated my shirt. Her lip quivered but she tried to hold it in. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I'm sorry for everything. Do you think you could ever forgive me? I miss you,"

I smiled, "Of course,"

Tara and I had been through a lot. Even though she had made it her goal to destroy my life. She needed someone right now. In all honesty. I missed her too.

She rubbed her face, "I'm a mess," she laughed.

I reached into my bag and pulled out some makeup wipes. She took it from me, gratefully, and attempted to wipe off the mascara stains.
She was even more beautiful without makeup. She looked like the girl I had been best friends with.

Athena rushed into the bathroom and pulled me into a hug. "Are you okay?"

She cupped my face. She looked over to where Tara was, "What is she doing here? If she did anything to you I swear,"

I cut her off, "It's okay Athena she didn't hurt me,"

Athena looked reluctantly at me before nodding slowly. Tara gave us a sad smile, "You have a really great friend," she pointed to Athena, the makeup wipe still in her hand, "I wish I had a friend like that,"

I looked my arm with Athena's and smile, "Well now you do,"

"What?" Athena yelled.

I gave her a look that told her this is what I wanted. She grumbled but agreed.

Tara went to reapply her makeup but when she looked in the mirror she put the foundation down. I watched as she shoved it back into her bag. "Lets go," she smiled.

I locked my other arm around Tara's and the three of us headed out of the bathroom. All eyes were on us. I heard audible gasp come from the sea of students as the three of us headed out, hand in hand.

The three of us headed out the front doors, giggling, "Did you see their faces?" Tara laughed.

"They looked like they saw a ghost!" Athena wheezed.

I looked between my old friend and my new friend laughing. Maybe I didn't need Liam. I didn't need anyone. I had two amazing friends to back me up. I would be okay. So instead of going to check my phone like I normally would have, I shut it off. If Liam wanted to talk he was going to have to do it in person.

I'm really sorry I haven't been updating lately. Someone asked me to start updating once a week instead of once every other month. I try to update quickly but they were right I really don't update often. You guys deserve it to be updated sooner. I don't think I'm going to update much sooner though. I'm currently writing a book that I plan to hopefully get published so that along with school work is what I have been spending my time doing. I was originally planning to post that book on wattpad but I've had some trouble with people trying to get into my account so I've been weary about posting that book atm. I do have much more time now with everything that's going on and I hadn't updated this book because I had originally planned to just scrap the whole book. I saw a lot of you asking me to update so I tried to quickly put together a chapter and I'll keep that in mind in the future when I decide to update this book. As always I love seeing your comments and hearing everything you have to say.
Stay safe, lots of love,

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