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(Reader's POV)

It was a hot September afternoon. Not a cloud in the sky.

Unusual for Wales, perfect weather it seemed.

The bus arrived right on time. I stepped inside. The cool air conditioned bus air filled my lungs. How refreshing!

A local music festival was happening right around the corner in Abergavenny. I thought it would be fun to see what the townsfolk were up to. The ride wasn't long, but it sure was bumpy. It wouldn't be a very big festival, but maybe I'd learn a few things. After all, I've always wanted to start learning an instrument. Maybe I'd get more motivation from here.

As the bus came to a stop I could see around 20 or so stands with instruments and music equipment and all the nice technical stuff on display. I could see what seemed like 50 to 100 or so people socialising. As the doors opened I felt a familiar wave of summer heat come over me. The doors closed and I realised that I'd taken the cold air for granted. I absolutely needed a drink.

Abergavenny was a nice town. Smells of alcohol and grilled food filled the air as I heard a few instruments getting drowned out by the sound of the crowd's constant chattering. Now where is the drink stand? A cold Fanta would be nice.

I must've zoned out again or something, because the next thing I know I had collided with a girl. I snapped back to reality as I noticed that both of our clothes were soaked from her once full drink she had just spillt.


I looked down to see my sunglasses which had fallen on the grass. I glanced up at the girl.

Oh. My. God.

"Oh, Christ! I'm terribly sorry, let me help you!"

Her accent was strong, but not quite fully welsh. God, was she gorgeous. Our hands touched as we both awkwardly bent down to pick up my glasses. The girl turned a shade of red and handed me them. I stopped and got a good hard look at her.

She had thick dark brown, almost black hair with deep chestnut coloured eyes and thick black eyeliner surrounding them. Her soft pink mouth smirked slightly as she examined me as well.

"I'm so sorry! Let me help you."

I immediately begin fumbling for tissues in my bag.

"No! It's my fault!"

She giggled, covering her mouth for a moment with her now empty cup and biting her lip, glancing all flustered at me.

What an adorable laugh, goodness.

I noticed the way her front teeth were just a little bit longer than the rest of her teeth. She had light freckles around her nose. Her smile was gorgeous, heck everything about her was. I blushed, still fumbling for the tissues. I handed her some after what felt like forever.

"Thank you!"

She giggled again, snorting a little. I couldn't help but smile. What a stupid situation.

"No worries. What's your name? I'm [your name]."

Hopefully this wasn't too painfully awkward for her too.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm Marina, Marina Diamandis."

She laughed, shaking my hand and squinting into the sun. I held an arm up to cast a shadow on her face so she could see better. I probably looked so stupid.

"Great name."

"Thank you, yours too.."

She said, bashfully playing with and hiding behind her long hair.

Seventeen (Marina Diamandis X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now