[14] i dont give a fuck

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"That's all." Reeva menutup pidatonya hari ini. "If you wanna train, go ahead. But I knew that my kids are already powerful, so if you wanna rest then it's your choice. But remember, no one's going home tonight, no one's going to school tomorrow."

"But Reeva, can I use my phone for tonight? I should contact my teacher,"

Rebecca mendengus. "Your teacher, or your girlfriend?" sarkasnya.

Reeva membalas dengusan Becca dengan dengusan lainnya yang terdengar mengejek. "His teacher or his girlfriend, it's his business, Rebecca. You can contact your boyfriend too, if you want."

"Use your ear, Rebecca," ejek Andy, menunjuk-nunjuk telinganya. "It's my business."

"Get ready for 7 a.m. tomorrow, kids," ingat Reeva lagi sebelum pergi karena malas melihat perdebatan anak-anak muda. "Give your cellphones to Esme at 5, okay?"

"Thanks, Reeva," ucap Andy.

"Andy, you know," gumam Becca. "Killing someone was never hard for me."

"Then?" Andy mengangkat sebelah alisnya. "You want to kill me?"

"No." Rebecca menggeleng. "But probably your girlfriend."

"I'm pretty sure you're gonna die in my hands if that happens," tekan Andy.

"Die in your arms, sounds good." Rebecca membuka jaket kulitnya, menyisakan kaos hitam ketat yang menempel di tubuhnya. Ia mengambil satu langkah mendekati Andy. "I love dramatic ways."

"No wonder why you're good at acting and show people like I am an asshole who broke your heart," balas Andy tak kalah sarkas. "In people's eyes, you are the victim and I'm the villain. But that changes nothing in my eyes. You're just a bitch who cheated on me."

"Andy!" seru Rebecca kesal dengan kata-kata Andy. "Let me explain! I like many, i date much, but I only love one and it's you!"

"You're still a bitch, Rebecca!" teriak Andy mulai tak terkontrol. Ia menghela napas untuk meredakan emosinya, kemudian kembali bicara dengan nada yang menenang. "Now stop. You better continue dating that damn Greensky."

"I never loved him. Even for a single second," jujur Rebecca pada akhirnya. "But then after we broke up, I realized that you're having crush on Emily, so I took Nichol's heart from her like she did took yours from me."

"Listen, Rebecca. I liked Emily since a long time ago but I love only you that time. But see, I didn't cheat with her," jelas Andy. "It's really funny how you cheated me and you're jealous of the girl i had crush on. Where did you put your brain?"

"Andy, I'm so sorry."

"Your apology is already accepted," bisik Andy. "But we're not going back together."

Bukan membuka suara, Rebecca malah berjinjit untuk menaruh kedua tangannya di tengkuk Andy. Perempuan itu dengan lancang dan tanpa malu menyatukan bibirnya dengan milik Andy.

Tidak membalas ataupun menolak, Andy hanya diam di tempat, tak membiarkan Rebecca melakukan yang lebih jauh dari itu. Dan tolakan tak kasat mata dari Andy benar-benar terasa menyakitkan. Diamnya cowok itu membuat Becca berhenti tanpa diminta dan malu sendiri.

Gadis itu menitikkan air mata, lalu berucap pelan. "I want us, Andy. I miss you."

"No, Rebecca." Andy menggeleng lalu tersenyum tipis. Telapak tangannya terangkat untuk mengelap bibirnya yang basah, menghapus jejak ciuman Rebecca dari sana. "I, D, G, A, F."


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