Ten || As You Wish, Darling

Start from the beginning

I snap my head in his direction, "Huh?" I ask.

"You heard me" He states.

I sit there for awhile thinking. Why was I so mad that I slept with him... Oh, that's right. It is because I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WITH MY ROOMMATE!!!!

"It's because I'm not supposed to sleep with my roommate" I say calmly.

He shrugs, "It was bound to happen sooner or later, Vena" His attention goes back to the screen in front of him.

"Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying that you fell asleep with me on purpose?" I ask.

He turns his head towards me and takes his hand in mine. I try to pull away, but he has a strong grip. I stare deeply in his bright blue eyes. The sun shines off his dark brown hair.

"Vena, sometimes people need someone to be there for them even if they don't know the situation that the other person is in. You were there and I needed someone to just stay with me, as corny as this may sound, I actually enjoy being with you, Vena. Even though you completely freaked out on me and you weren't even concious when we were together, it was worth it because it felt like someone was there for me, even though you weren't really" He says and lets go of my hands.

"I'm sorry, Vena. Let's just start over" He says. I glance up at him. I nod.

"Yeah, I would be okay with that" I say.


"James, do you want to come with me to Walmart?" I yell at him from my room.

He opens the door and peeks his head through the doorframe."Why are you going to Walmart?" He asks.

I lift my head up from my phone and look at him. He stands there with his a bright smile, his blue eyes beam at me.

"Hello? Earth to Vena?" He says waving his hands in front of my face.

When did he enter my room? "Oh, um, because I need to get a new laptop for school" I answer plainly.

"Yeah, I think I will" He says, he lies down on my bed.

"Get out. I'm gonna change" I say.

He just sits there and stares at me. "I said get out" I say sternly.

He jumps to his feet and heads to the door.

"I'm only leaving because I respect your privacy" He says.

I scoff, "Ha! that's funny. You and respect do not belong in the same sentence" I say to him.

He turns around and looks at me. "Maybe to you, but others would beg to differ" He says and walks out and shut the door behind him.


"So, what kind of laptop are you looking to buy?" the sales clerk asks. I look at James, who stands close behind me.

"What would you recommend?" I whisper to him.

He directs his attention to me, "Mm?" he says. "I said, what kind of laptop your you recommend?" I whisper to him again. He brings his mouth to my ear, his hot breath blows on the side of my face. "Why do you want to know?" He whispers.

I look into his blue eyes, but then quickly look away. "I'm looking for a Mac" I say moving away from James.

All I wanted was an opinion.

"Okay, right this way" The sales clerk directs me. He shows me the variety of sizes. In the end I choose the cheapest.

James left me 20 minutes ago so that I could pick one, but I think the real reason was because he got bored. I would too, I take my dear time with these kinds of things. I decide that I am going to look for him because I know he won't come looking for me.

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