"You coming to the game Friday?"

"I'll have yo see with my momma. She been picking up extra shifts lately so she might have to work and I might have to watch Vaeh and them"

"I'm almost 13. I can watch myself" Nevaeh yelled from the kitchen being nosey

"Stay out my conversation"

"I'll talk to my grandma. See if she can watch them. You know she ain gone mind"

"Alright then"

I could hear Sean and Evan run from down the hall, Evan looked like he was about to have a heart attack

"What's wrong?"

Sean started laughing " i told Evan momma said she was down the road and if he not dressed she was gone beat him"

"Now why you lied to him?"

"Cause he didn't wanna get up" he shrugged while Evan panicked as he hurried to the bathroom with his stuff in his hand

4:54 pm

"We should go out tonight" Akira suggested as we sat outside of the rec building as the party continued inside. I shook my head while sticking my fork into the pasta salad on my plate

"No. I'll pass"

Akira frowned while I ate the pasta, making a nasty face in the process

"Why you gotta bawl yo face up like You'on like it?"

"Cause it's too much ranch in here. A lot of ranch makes my stomach hurt"

"Well why you got it?"

"Cause I'm hungry. I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning cause I was helping my momma and aunt Terri"

"Look at you being a good big sister. Must be nice"

"Trust me. It's stressful. If this is the kind of stuff you gotta deal with when you have kids, I'm good"

"No. I like the planning events and stuff.. I think I might join the prom committee this year"

"Become an event planner"

"You know how many extra years of school that is?"

"Four. Like any normal bachelors degree"

"My point exactly..."

I shook my head and pushed my food around a little, hearing a door close

"Hey didn't Tremaine come to the party?"

"He had conditioning but he should be done by now. So he probably at home sleep or something"

"Look at you with a basketball player. I'm so happy for you Egypt" Akira nudged me and I tried to refrain from smiling but I couldn't

"Akira" Christian's familiar voice called out catching both of our attention. Akira let out a sigh meanwhile I could feel his eyes burn into me

"I told you to come close to 6"

"Well I'm here now"

"I can just see if my aunt Terri can take you home" I told Akira, feeling sick to my stomach as Christian stared me down. The way he looked at me made me so uncomfortable that I jumped up quick, maybe a little too fast because I ended up falling right back down, blacking out

Christian Dials

7:14 pm

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