Caiman's Childhood: Part five- An Old Friend at the Door

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Caiman hobbled around the hallways, his casted arm behind held to his chest by a sling. Since he usually walked around on all fours this made him have to jump with every step so he did not fall over. This did not deter him from being playful though.

He hopped about much like a baby goat would while pushing some of his toys down the hall. His eyes wide and his mouth was hanging open as he left little puddles of drool down the hallway. his little teeth were visible from underneath his tentacles which flopped around as he jumped.

You watched him from the end of the hallway, making sure that he did not fall on his arm. You sat with your back against the wall across from the front room, occasionally looking in At Adimu who was knitting some blankets.

Caiman bounced down the hall, his tail flopping against the ground as he did. Surging towards you and jumping into your lap. It knocked the breath out of you for a second. You chuckled at his behavior and gave his head a nuzzle.

" You little man, are a messy little boy." You commented, looking down at all the drool in the hallway, and on himself. You laughed at his totally careless expression. Grabbing his chubby sides and lifting him up as you got off of the floor, heading towards the bathroom. " Its bath time mister."

Now usually babies would get upset in baths, but not your little man. Which was completely understandable since he was half water creature after all. When he heard that it was time to get in the tub he would get ecstatic, wiggling around and racing to get into the water.

Every now and then you would sometimes just find him sitting in the tub as he stared at you expectantly, waiting for you to fill it so he could splash around. It did not matter if he had already had one to two that very day.

This, however, was not going to be the type of bath that he would enjoy. After all, he had a wrapped arm that could not get wet, so you had to do something different this time.

You stopped at the sink, turning on the faucets so a nice cool temperature flowed into the sink. You supported your son with one hand while reaching for a rag with the other. Getting it wet and running it over the places where he had spit on himself.

He whimpered and tried to struggle out of your grip, not happy that he was not getting an actual soak in the tub, but you held him still until he was all clean. When that was done you walked back out into the hallway and into the living room, avoiding the little slobber puddles along the way.

You set him down next to his grandmother and his attention was immediately dragged to the design she was setting into the blanket she was making. With him distracted you took the opportunity to go clean up the mess in the hallway. Going back into the bathroom to get a full-sized towel and getting it slightly wet.

It did not take long to clean up the mess, just a few quick sweeps with the towel on the wooden floor and everything was as good as new. You were cleaning up the last little droplets in the hallway when there was a knock at the door.

You froze for a second, not sure if you had heard it coming from the door or if it had come from the living room. You looked up from your kneeling position at the front door that was at the end of the hallway.

There was a moment of silence, and you figured you had just misheard something else after all this house never got visitors, you did not want them here. That was the whole reason that you were in the countryside of Japan with no neighbor around for miles. You could not risk someone spotting Caiman.

You continued your work and finished with the last of the mess, standing up and going back into the bathroom. Right as you were putting the towel into the hamper the knock was heard again and you leaned your head out from the doorway, looking down at the door again.

Abyssal Alterations ( Discontinued for rewriting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon