Caiman's childhood: Part four- A Limit

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You cleaned the blood off of your hands In the sink, wincing as the cold water stung your open wounds. Caiman had gotten his teeth, and they were sharp, shaped much like mako shark teeth. Now it was bound to happen eventually. He was still a small baby after all.

When you were done washing it you put some ointment on it before wrapping it up with some gauze from the medicine cabinet. You heard Ko call out for you from down the hallway. You closed the cabinet and turned round, walking passed the front room where Adimu watched Caiman.

He was sitting innocently in the middle of the room, it was going to be a bit tougher now, he had gotten into the habit long ago of gumming on your hand, thus how you got bitten in the first place.

The strange thing was though, you could have sworn that he did not have any this morning. It was if they had just appeared, granted you could have just missed it. A big thing to just miss though, you would have seen them coming in, wouldn't you?

You entered Ko's room and he shut the door behind you, he had sweat on his forehead and he was rubbing his hands nervously, his round glasses were crooked on his nose.

" Ko... Are you... Alright?" You asked, concerned about what had put him in this state.

" He's tasted human blood now Y/N" He said grimly. You narrowed your eyes slightly, what was he getting at? You tilted your head away from him slightly and raised an eyebrow, a silent sign for him to continue.

" What if this changes him? What if he starts craving the taste?" He said hurriedly, jumping slightly when there was a bumping sound coming from the front room.

You were a little appalled at what you were hearing right now. Your sweet baby Caiman becoming hungry for human flesh? was that what he was trying to say.

No matter how much you wanted to deny it though, you could understand more than anyone what he was afraid of. You reached forward, grabbing him by the shoulders and looking him deep in the eyes.

" Everything is going to be alright Ko, listen to me. Caiman is a smart cookie, he knows us and he will learn what is right and wrong from us, he knew back there that he accidentally hurt me, I saw the little jump in his eye, he is still just in his teething faze, now that his teeth are in he will learn that its wrong to bite now." You said, trying your best to reassure him.

He still did not look like he was convinced. He still flicked his eyes to the door, almost like he kept expecting something to bust through it and eat him. You reached up and cupped his face in your hands.

" Hey, remember, YOU are the reason that that baby is alive. You saved his life from the people who wanted to kill him. Have faith in the soul you gave a chance to alright?" You pleaded. You had always known he was never comfortable with Caiman, but it would just take time and a lot of effort.

He clenched his eyes shut, and a tear slipped out and slid down the side of his nose. He started to shake with sobs and you brought him in close.

" I can't get those eyes out of my head, those damned purple eyes!" He wailed, clutching you close. You could not help but start letting your own tears flow, you knew exactly how he felt.

The eyes as black as ink haunted you every day. threatening to drag you down into their depths and drown you in the darkness. But you had a light now.

You had a moon that shown through the shadowy waters, that let you see which way was up so you could swim to the surface. Those little white eyes were your light.

A Scratching sound suddenly filled the room, and you both jumped, looking at the door where it was originating. A small shadow showed from underneath and a little whimper reached your ears.

Abyssal Alterations ( Discontinued for rewriting)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz