Caiman's Childhood: Part six- What should be done

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You took the kettle off of the stove and poured some hot water to make your favorite hot drink, pouring some for your family members and even one for your guest as well. You stirred the drinks and moved them to the table where everyone was sitting. Setting a cup in front of Adimu and blue eyes, and then one in front of your seat.

Blue eyes thanked you but did not take a drink. Adimu eyed her warily while sipping on her tea, holding Caiman close in her lap while he stared off into space. You took a seat next to blue eyes, looking at her deeply.

" So, if I have this all right, your Hoolans sister?" You asked while playing with the hot cup absentmindedly with your hand. She looked over to you from Caiman and nodded.

" Then... Why did you try to kill him that night on the beach?" You asked. A look of sorrow crossed her fair features and she looked down into the cup you had given her.

" You, more than anyone knows of the monster he had become. He had sunk so far into an ocean of obsession that there was no hope for him left, that was not my brother anymore." She said, while gripping harshly onto the cup, you almost expected it to shatter.

" You two acted like you did not know each other, Hoolan said you were just another one of his kind floating around." You said, remembering the words he had told you after the first encounter with Blue Eyes when she disguised herself as a crab.

" I... I don't think he recognized me, ore even remembered that he had a sister for that matter." She took in a deep breath, the almost emotionless expression crossing her features again before she brought the cup up and took a long drink from it.

" No, He remembered you, I don't think he recognized you, but he remembered you." You assured her and she looked over at you with surprise.

" How are you so sure?" She asked. You looked down into the steaming vortex of your mug, letting the steam waft up into your face as you looked back into your memories. It was the time Hoolan had revealed to you that he was not a sea spider, but a creature that shared similar features to the Lovecraft God Cthulhu.

" He once told me about your kind, and how you are raised. He mentioned that you had two other brothers, but both of them were killed by other creatures in the ocean." You said, and she nodded sadly while closing her eyes. You continued.

" He said that the last time he saw you was when you parted ways after you reached four years old." You finished and she reflected your movements from earlier, staring deeply into her drink, before giving a quick nod.

" That was true, We parted ways as siblings of my kind do at that age, and we never saw each other again until the beach." She took another drink from the cup. You brought yours to your lips and took a quick sip.

" Why did he not recognize you? You asked, and why did you not reveal to him who you were, he might have stopped fighting you." You asked, getting quieter with your words as she shook her head.

" The only thing that he was concerned about that night was you, he was completely blind to everything else. I did not reveal myself because of that very reason, it would not have registered to him what it meant until it was too late, or even if it did I doubt he would have stopped.

" Have... Have you seen him?" You asked shakily, and she looked over too you with a blank expression, you finished what you were trying to ask. " Have you seen him since... what... what happened at the base." You asked. She shook her head solemnly.

"The ocean is so vast Y/N, there is a reason it took us six hundred years to see each other again. No, I have not seen him since what happened." She said.

" Do you think he's..." You could not finish the sentence, but she knew what you were trying to say.

" I do not know, it is very possible he is, it is very possible he is not." She said, finishing her drink and setting it down lightly on the table. You took a big swallow of your drink, practically downing the whole thing in one go, before setting it down on the table not so lightly.

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