Caiman's Childhood: Part three- Easter

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You and Adimu were up almost all night making special Easter eggs for Caiman to hunt around the house for in the morning. Or whenever the two of you would be able to get up.

Caiman was not happy about spending the night in his crib and a large part of the night you were listening to his cries as he shouted for you to come and get him out of this thing right now!

The noise woke Ko up and he groggily walked into the kitchen to get himself a drink, not looking very pleased, but what else could you do, Caiman did have to learn that sometimes he would need to sleep in his crip, and since he was a baby he was going to do what babies did when they were upset, Cry.

Cry and make the whole world aware of how upset they were. Ko after about another hour passed out cold on the couch. You draped a blanket over him so he would not get cold.

Caiman too eventually fell asleep and at the silence, you got up and checked on him. Sometimes him going quiet meant that he escaped and was waddling around the house. You opened the door to see him sprawled about in his crib snoring softly as he clutched one of his stuffed animals close. His tentacles wrapped limply around the bars, vibrating with each snore, oh yeah he definitely wore himself out. You quietly closed the door and got back to work with Adimu in the kitchen.

The two of you talked all night about what you would give him as treats, where you would hide them, and so on. all up until the sun was only a couple of hours away from rising.

You hid the eggs around the house, making sure that they were on the ground, or at least where he could reach them. Adimu was off to bed now. You decided you were going to take a quick shower first.

You let the warm water run down you, relaxing your nerves. You leaned your head backend let the droplets pound your face gently, running down your face like a cascade of tears.

A memory was coming up, you reached over and laid a hand on your stomach as it came to mind. In the memory, you were holding your stomach too, though it was still big and swollen with an unborn baby.

You sobbed hot tears, your shoulder shaking hard as you cried your pain out to the metal room. The bundle in you feeling your anguish started to get scared and gave out a kick. You set your hand on your swollen tummy to calm him down, but it was no use, he could still feel your pain and gave out another kick.

"They're going to kill him." You cried out and Adimu rubbed your shoulder soothingly with one hand while the other one reached down to your belly, thought the bundle still did not calm down and the extra touch.

" I don't know what to do?! They're going to kill my baby." You nearly shouted, rage and sorrow striking through your veins. They did not tell you outright their plans for your son, but the guards outside had big mouths and even though the door to this metal room was thick iron, it was not completely soundproof.

You looked to Adimu and Ko, Unsure of what to do. You curled up around yourself, bringing your legs as close to you as you could before they squished against your belly. You could not let this happen, you could not let them get their hands on him.

You were going to get out of here before he was born. But you were running out of time, you only had a couple of weeks left if you were lucky, you had to come up with a plan and fast.

You gripped onto your stomach one more time, feeling another light thump against the inside on your stomach.

You popped out of your memory, noticing the water had gotten considerably cold by now. How long had you been standing there? you had to get to bed, you had a big day tomorrow!

You turned the shower off, shivering as you stepped out and quickly wrapped yourself in a towel. Drying yourself off and slipping into some comfortable pajamas.

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