Caimans Childhood: part two- Scars

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You stood next to Ko along the counter side as you helped him prepare dinner for the family. Meats sizzled in the pan in front of you while you added various vegetables into a mix in a bowl next to the stove.

In the background, you could hear the sound of an old radio playing some classical songs with relaxing orchestral music. Adimu liked to listen to them, it helped her sleep. It was good that she had something to help her sleep as you all had trouble with it in one way or another.

Ko hard certain lotions and candles that helped soothe him, and you had your baby boy to curl up next to you and purr. He always sensed when you weren't feeling the best and would purr to help calm your nerves. sometimes even waking up from being rock dead asleep and immediately pushing up even more against you.

Your thoughts were driven back to the present as you heard a light clinking sound. Behind you Ko was setting the table and preparing some drinks, humming as he smoothed out the tablecloth, and gently set the plates and cups down. Pouring the drinks into glasses.

You turned back to your pan and the steam rising up hit you in the face. You took a long sniff... it could use a bit more sauce. You reached over to the counter and grabbed the one you were looking for. Popping the lid off and dripping the brown sludgy liquid over the meats.

The sizzling sound got louder with the new material, causing even more steam to rise up into your face. The sauce melded into the meat, sinking into it and making it juicy.

There, that was better. You finished stirring it up before turning the oven off and grabbing the oven mitts and using them to bring the steaming pan over to the table where you set it on an oven pad so it would not burn the table.

You went back for the vegetable bowl and set it next to the pan. Giving that a quick stir too. When everything is done you and Ko both looked at your neat handy work.

" Damn we're good." You said, and both of you burst out into a fit of chuckles. You both walked into the living room where Adimu napped peacefully on the couch with the radio tuning away.

she rested in an upright position with her hands folded over her lap. Caiman, who was in here with her when you left the room to start dinner, was nowhere to be seen.

A bolt of worry shot through you, its not that he had not been left alone for a little bit before, but he was still very young, not even a year old yet, and he was not to go outside at all costs. even though he was less than a year old, he still understood you fairly well and knew what you were telling him... For the most part.

You quickly scanned the room and when you did not see him you entered the hallway while Ko woke Adimu up for Dinner. You walked down the hallway seeing if you could find any hint of where he had scuttled off to.

As you walked down the corridor you could hear the sound of bedsprings repeatedly creaking from your room with the door slightly cracked. You pushed it open and found Caiman jumping on the bed playfully. Bouncing only a couple of inches off the blankets.

His tentacles flopping around his face as he squealed in delight when seeing his mother enter the room. You leaned against the door with your hip and crossed your arms.

" If you keep doing that you're going to fall and hurt yourself, young man." You said to him with a smile, your eyes shining brightly at him. He ignored you as he continued to jump up and down. Then, solely to show you just how much of a little shit he was, he purposely launched himself off the bed and faceplanted onto the hardwood floor.

You gasped and quickly surged forward to him, grabbing him and lifting him up to examine him and see if he was alright. He was. No scratch or scrap whatsoever as he looked at you with his little baby face and then slipped out of your grasp, climbing up onto the bed and starting to jump up and down once more.

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