Not Home Anymore

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A/N: I have a picture of what Caiman looks like in the artbook on Quotev if you would like to go check that out!

As much as I would have liked for Caiman to open up to me when I was in his room last night, he did not. I was a little sad, but only because I still worried about him.

I did feel like we scaled a wall, and he felt a little more at ease after I assured him that I would be there for him when he was finally ready to spill his emotions out.

Just like Blue-Eyes said though. I could not rush it out of him, or that would cause an angry reaction. After all, I used to be a teenager myself. I was still technically a teenager when Hoolan captured me and almost broke my psyche beyond repair.

Until he was ready, I would wait. That way he could talk to me on his own terms, and he would know that I was on his side. It would all turn out. We just had to be patient.

I had stayed with him in his room for a little bit until he visibly started to get uncomfortable. His social wick had burnt out and he was ready to be in his solitude again.

I kissed him goodnight before heading off to bed myself. I did not know what time it was now, I had my curtains shut. All I knew is that it was still morning and the sun was somewhere in the sky.

The blankets were still wrapped snugly around me as I decided to sleep in a little longer. That helped right there. I usually did not sleep in. I was usually the first one awake, making breakfast and cleaning up.

Sometimes though, like today, I would shirk those responsibilities and sleep in. Caiman would take my spot for the morning and make breakfast for us.

I heard his door open and the clicking of his claws against the hardwood floor as he walked down the hall. His tail dragging behind him like a sack of flour.

Oh how badly I wanted him to be small like a regular six-year-old. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved my son to death just the way he was. It just was not fair to me that he had such a short childhood. His goofy innocence disappeared and grim maturity sunk in faster than an anchor to the bottom of the ocean. He may have only been alive for six years, but he had the mental capacity of a sixteen-year-old.

I let myself settle down out of these thoughts. I could spend forever shouting to the universe about how things had been going was unfair. I would much rather spend forever with my baby boy and the rest of whom I called my family.

I lurched forward into a sitting position. My heart pounding like a jackhammer in my chest as something in the house shattered. I heard Ko start screaming in panic.

Flinging the blankets off of me, I surged forward and bolted out of my room. Slamming the door open so hard it left a hole in the plaster as I sped down the hall, sliding to the front room where everyone was.

Ko was backed against the wall, screaming as tears slid down his face. His hands up and clawing at his scalp and tightly grabbing chunks of his black hair.

My wide eyes moved from him to Caiman who was in the middle of the front room. My breath cut short, my heart slowing as I looked down at the limp and unbreathing figure of Adimu in his arms.

I straightened my back, slowly stepping into the room. At the sight of me, Ko whirled around, glaring hellfire at me and pointing an accusing finger straight at my son.

" I warned you! I warned you Y/N!! I told you one day that thing would kill us all. He's done it now! Who's next?! Me?! You?! The whole fucking world!? I told you that beast was going to do this one day! You refused to listen but I told you!!" He shrieked.

Abyssal Alterations ( Discontinued for rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now