Chapter 5

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Waking up I kick someone.
"Ouch what's that for," a deep voice whines.
Holy shit I peak my eyes open a bit more and realize that i am laying in the living room with Steph, Asher, Owen, Wyatt, and Fin. Oh how did we get in here.

"Are you even gonna say sorry," Fin whines.

"Nope," my raspy voice replies.

"Your mean I don't like you," Fin pouts.

" Too bad Asher, Owen, and Steph like me so ha," I yell back at him.

Looking to the nearest window I see pouring rain, grey clouds, and lightning bolts. I was extremely jittery because I couldn't even see the lake and you are practically in the lake once you step out the back door.

" hey I don't know if you've noticed but it's like extreme pouring outside," I whimper.

" crap I have to call my brother I have work in an hour," Steph rushes to the bathroom to fix her makeup.

"Speaking of work," Wyatt cusses and jumps up and slips his pants on looking for his old shirt.

" well Fin and I are going to leave going to the movies with our girls," Owen and Fin high five.

After everyone has left I see Asher is sound asleep on the floor not noticing that anyone has left. I poke him in the arm.

Leaning over the couch I softly speak, "Asher wake up," trying not to violently shake him awake.

He pulls me on top of him and yells " five mor minutes mom," giggling at his sleep talking. I try and get out of his grasp but each time his grip tightening. In what I believe is five minutes I clear my throat and scream. Asher jumps up in a fighting position with a serious face on. I bust a gut laughing at his face I quick find my phone and snap a picture. He visibly relaxes and I giggle.

"Well it's pouring outside so if you have anywhere to be you won't probably show up," I point outside. Looking down at my phone I decide that it's a good time to text my Family.

K: hey Millie how's mom and dad I miss you see you soon.
M: Miss you too we are all doing fine.

I smile because I know they are doing well. "hey wanna play a board game or Card game or something," Asher asks.

"Sure but won't you get a bit cold," I point at him in his Nike shorts and socks.

"It's whatever," he says stating.

I find a blanket and wrap my self up. " wanna play Life," I question.

"Sure why not, it's my favorite board game you know," he simply states.

" Really same here," I yell as Asher walks away looking for the board game. I grab my phone and play a couple games of circle before Asher comes back in sight. We start to play Life but soon get bored.

"I say why don't we try something fun, change into your swim trunks and meet me here in 5 minutes. Bring a towel," I yell down the hall way already on the way to my room. This shitty weather is not going to make me stay inside all day. I grab a random bikini and a towel. I dash into the living room and find Asher Sitting there.
" I so though that I was gonna beat you out here," I pout " anywho it doesn't matter leave your towel in here we are gonna dance in the rain,"

He gives me a skeptical look but follows. I run and slip off the pier into the water. " Holy Sh*t it's freezing in here," I screech

I swim around and see Asher is intently watching " Don't be such a Debbie downer," I smile. He stands up and I see water droplets roll of his stomach damn. Wait you can't say that. I yell at myself. Asher runs and jumps in right next to me and splashes water in my face.

"Was that really necessary," I raise my eyebrow

"Yeah kinda," Asher smiles back at me

***Asher's POV***
I take a running start and jump into the water. I splash her and I resurface.

"Was that really necessary," she smiles and raises her eyebrow.

" Yeah kinda," I reply smiling and looking into her beautiful eyes.

She licks her lips and I look at her tiny plump pink lips. I look back at her eyes and she has a cute pink blush on her face. She continues to look me in the eyes and I lean in and kiss her lips she reacts and starts kissing back. When the time comes for us both needing air. I open my eyes and see her blushing. I chuckle.

" I kinda like you, " I say smiling

" I just happen to also like you too," Kayla says and winks. Giggling. Her eyes suddenly widen. " are we a couple or just a thing,"

" I' m not sure," I say

Hello so here I am again I am trying to make this story interesting, please tell me if you like it or something. Happy holidays to everyone be safe and I will see you soon. Mwa 😘💋

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