Chapter 4

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I yawn and rub my eyes delicately. I slowly get out of bed and shiver it was freezing . I turn to the night stand and pop my glasses on. My phone buzzes, message from Stephany.
Hey- Stephany
Hey Stephany-Kayla.
I was wondering did you wanna go to a movie or get coffee or something-Steph
Sure wanna go to a Starbucks?-Kayla
Yeah, pick me up I live by log cabin-Steph
Wait the cute little tiny peach and green house?-Kayla
Yeah that's the one-Steph
Ok I will be there in a bit wanna see a movie or shop a bit- Kayla
Sure I will be waiting-Steph

I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom pop my contacts in and put my makeup on. Racing in to my room I slip on a pair of orange-ish pink shorts and a Tim McGraw thirst and some brown gladiator sandals. Stumbling into the kitchen making sure I have my phone money and eos, but suddenly I start falling but get caught. Looking up I see Asher's blue eyes boring into mine. Asher smirks and I growl, he stands me up straight and chuckles.

"I know I'm hot but you don't have to fall for me," Asher laughs.

Owen walks around the corner looking at his phone. "What so funny," he says emotionlessly.

He glances up to see me frowning and Asher laughing.
"She, she started falling and I caught her and and I said, I know I'm not but you don't have to fall for me," Asher busts a gut.

"Haha real funny I am leaving I will be back in the afternoon," I nod my head.

"Wait do you guys wanna have a bonfire once you get home?" Asher says seriously.

"Sure what ever I'm off," I say grabbing my keys and purse.

I stomp out of the house, and clim in my car and turn the radio on, finding a station I like, I start the engine and take off lightly humming to the radio.

- - -

At Stephany's house I see her walk out of the house and yelling at someone in her house, she slams the door shut and looks at my car, she opens the door and climbs in the car.
"Hi," she says.
"Hi how are you?" I question
"Ok my stupid brother is yelling at me. At 23 years old you would think he would move out of the house," She grumbles.

"Aren't you 21," I giggle.

"Yeah but still," she whines. "Don't you still live with your parents," she questions.

"Nope moved from Ohio, I told you yesterday?" I say confused.

"Sorry I forget easily,"she say

I start the car and we take off to the shopping mall with directions from Steph. We soon arrive and I look at the name, Deer Trace Mall, interesting. I park and shut the car off. I grab my purse and keys and we head inside Target first. We start walking straight and I see the women clothing and we look around and grab a few pieces of clothing. We then walk a bit further and find shoes. I find a few pair of shoes and by now we got a cart.
We head down to the electronics and I snatch up an iTunes card. I start looking at phone cases for my iPhone.

"Is there a best buy around here," I ask Steph

"Yeah, we can go there in a bit if you want," she suggests.

I nod my head and we keep looking and finally check out. Next we head to Maurice, Ulta beauty, Bath and Body works, and then bust buy. I grab a few cases well more like 7 but hey I like phone cases. We are driving back to Stephany's house and I remember that the guys were having a bonfire.

"Hey would you like to go to a campfire, tonight," I ask

"Sure but can I drop my items off at home," she asks

"Yeah I'm in no rush,"

We stop at her house and she runs in and drops her stuff off. I tap my hands on the steering wheel. She runs out of her house and smiles at me, climbing in she says " let's go," and I pull off the curb and drive to the house. When we arrive her jaw drops just like mine did a few days ago.

"You you live in there," she questions

"Yeah I don't see why not," I simply state.

Walking into the house she gapes at the entry way, looking at the grand staircase to the rooms. I lead here upstairs and show her my room.

"Yup it's beautiful isn't it, the view is amazing," I sigh and look out he window. "Why don't we go downstairs and see what the guys are up to ok?"

"Yeah," She says mesmerized my the view.

I lead her down the hall and I see Asher. "Hey what are you up to," I ask questioning him.

"Just waiting for you to get home to start the fire,"Asher sighs.

" ok well we are going to grab blankets and some food and well be out ok," I Ask

" yeah see you two in a bit" he smiles.

We walk inside to find some items for s'mores and pop popcorn. We grab some beer, and soda to drink and grab blankets. Walking outside the house I set the blankets down and I tell steph I will be back, leaving here with the guys, fire and blankets. I go inside to get the food preparing to grab all the food at once. I turn around and practically have a heart attack.I see Asher standing there smirking and I set the food down and grab my heart.

"Jesus what's wrong with you, I almost dropped he food," I say pouting at him.

"Sorry,"he says chuckling.

"Help me grab the food and we will be good," smiling and batting my eyelashes.

"Sure, why not," he says starring into my eyes.

"Well I am gonna go," I almost whisper.

Walking out the door with the food Asher and I set the food down. We all begin to chatter but I still feel his eyes staring at me. I look into his eyes and that's all I remember the rest of that night. Those ocean blue eyes, with light blue swirls in the center. Those beautiful blue eyes.

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