Chapter 1

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"Honey you really want to do this," Mom questions

"Yes" I assure her " I need to to this for me to discover who I am. Who I need to be."

So as of right now my mom has decided to beg me to say for the thousandth time now. I am really surprised that she has not tried to lock me in my room this morning.

"Drew stayed closer to home. Look he is married to Liz and They have Jake, Greyson, and little Emma. He has a nice job, and a great home." She reasons.

" I know but I really want to explore befor I find love so I am not tied down to anyone. I will be safe in wisconsin trust me. I don't want to just have a good job or nice house, I want the best that I can create for myself," I sadly reply "I promise that I will be back soon, a few years, I will come home for the holidays, don't worry."

"I love you Kay," Mom Cries.

I let a tear slip out of the corner of my eye. I step closer and hug her for a good minute. Then I step back.

"Well I'll be home for Christmas, you can count on me," I choke out a laugh. Soon we are both laughing.

I walk around the house just to see what I am leaving behind for a few years. I found a cabbin with 4 other people and I feel like this is the first big leap in my life so I emailed them and now I will be living there for a few years. I make my way to the front door and walk out of the house I have lived in for 21 years. Wow Kayla I say to myself you really are trying to make this hard on yourself. I giggle then walk to the Black tahoe. I pop into the front seat.

"hellllllooooo," my dad sings.

"Hia Daddy-O," sing back.

"Alright, I've been thinking," he devilishly smiles. Oh crap this can't be good." Miss Kay, we don't want to be Grandparents for a fourthtime now so if you plan of 'getting it on' or what ever you youngsters call it."

"Oh dad please stop, I know I need to be careful. I am not in a child." I squeal at him.

"Either way I put protection in one of your bags," he laughs.

" Jesus christ, Dad I am an adult searously," I childlishly stick my tounge out at him.

" Now I would not go that far," Dad retortes and starts laughing.

I slap his arm and then laugh with him.

" Searously though Kayla, be careful. I love you and don't want my baby coming home in pieces," he says searously.

All I do is nod my head afraid that if I spoke that the waterwork would come out. I lean over and hug him.

"KAYLA," Millie screams, I watch her trip on the welcome mat and fall on her face.

"BAHAHAHHAHAH," I bellow. Dad gets out of the car and I slowly follow suit. I walk over to her and hug her.

" I love you, I hope that didn't hurt to bad," I giggle.

She hits me "I love you," she wisper.

"Me too," I wisper. we giggle at the fact we are still hugging and wispering.

Mom comes out and takes a picture. Then We take a family picture and one with mom and dad.

"For the memories, Can you email those to me," I say to dad.

He nods. I give my last goodbye hugs. Then hop back into my car. I look in the rear-view mirrior to see mom and Millie crying hugging dad. I put my Iphone on shuffel and slowly take off.

So you may be wondering how long my trip is well from ohio to wisconsin about 10-12 hours but I don't mind. Heck I can even give you a bit of my background, so I was born a middle child. My older brother Drew, he is funny we tease eachother all the time, and we pick on Millie. So he 26 and was married to Liz my sister-in-Law. They have had 3 kids over the years Jake who is 4 years old, then his younger brother Greyson 3 years old and Emma the sweet angel of the children, she is 2. Then me a strong indipendent woman looking for adventure, or as my father would say a goof with no purpose. Then there is the klutz Millie. Millie is 17 so she is a senior this comming month. She is going out with Cayden so everyone is taken but me, though I don't mind all I have to do for now is care for myself. Now if you were actually reading this you may have herd my dad call me Miss Kay or my mother call me Kay, those are my nicknames so don't be confused. So September is coming around and I have heard that wisconsin has a pretty fall, over here not so much just get really cold. Instead of boring you with my intelligent mind this whole drive I will see you on the flipside. Mwahhahahahah. ok not cool Kayla not cool.

Later around 8:57 p.m. on August 26, 2014

"Why you gotta be so rude. Don't you know I'm human too," I belt out well I am about 10 minutes to this cabin in wisconsin and I am super excited to get out of this car cramed with junk. The car starts to slow down so I pull off to the side of the road.

"FRIGGEN-MONKEYBALLS-EATING-FROZEN-BANANAS-WITH-LAWNMOWER-PARTS. I can't be out of Gas, I filled up like 30 minutes ago come on. Dear Lord, Jesus Christ. Ooops sorry Jesus," I shout then fade into a wisper.

I look at my surroundings to see if I can get out and walk somewhere close by. Nope, you just had to be stuck next to a dark forest that the chainsaw man will pop out of. I slam my head on the stearing wheel. The horn goes off. Oh crap, ha I scared myself. I look down the road and see car headlights. I rip my seatbelt off. Fling the door open and run at the car like a crazy person. Yes Yes Yes. The car abruptly stops. I run to the driver window and they roll the window down.

"Oh Patrick Starr you are my savior," I squeal.

The boy looks at me cautiously.

" Well I am Kayla, and I need a can of gas to get to a gas station, do you happen to have any," I ask out of breath.

The myster man laughs " I am Asher. Hop in the car. I have some at home."

"Ummm," I giggle nervously "I don't know you and you could be a serial killer for all I know these woods are creepy."

"Oh just hop in already," he says angrily.

"Umm can I just get a few things from my car then we can go?" I question unsure of weather I was aloud to or not because quite frankly he scared me.

"Hurry up I have to be somewhere,"

I quickly run and get my things. Asher slowly drives up to my car and I hop in his Jeep Rangerover.

"Just to let you know I have a knife and pepperspray if you try anything. Shit I was not really gonna tell you that," I say loosing my authority as my sentence gets worse.

He chuckels, I all I get is a chuckel.

We drive in scilence for awhile then we slowly come up to a good sized lake with some cottages. I gasp as I look in the houses. We pull into a bigger house with 3 other cars in the driveway.

"Oh my" I gasp "Your house is... Wow it is beautiful."

"Yeah Yeah, we don't get that alot, and if you don't want a great deal of attention then hush up." He says with a glare that could scare the grimm reaper.

"Ummm yeah totally," I wisper and follow behind him.'

He opens the door and hear a few voices.

" Hey did you get the chips dude,"

" Wow that was fast"

"Get your ass in here punk."

"Yeah well I need to know where the extra can of gas is my Jeep needs it," Asher shouts.

"Damn It, did you drive to canada I used your jeep this afternoon and filled it up with gas why do you need more," yells someone.

"Oh dear Lord," I cry "get him the freakin can of gas before my head explodes," I shout at the mystery people.

Next thing you know I am surrounded by 4 more guys. I swollow a ball of spit and suddenly feel small, seeing as the guys tower over me. Wow this is great you mannaged to get yourself killed on the first night.

"Ummm whatever if you have a phone book that I could use for a towing company I am looking for a Willow Street on Si Lake, I am gonna find the fucking house if it takes me all night." I shout growing short of pacients.

" By any chance what is the Adress of this house." a boy my height asks.

" Ummmm Like 134 willow street," I question

"Well looks like you have found the right house," he adds

" Well I need my car so can we go get it?" I ask.

So all the guys suit up and we go get my car. Once we get back to the house they show me to the masterbedroom. I gasp at the sight of the pretty cabbin bedroom. I slowly carry all my stuff into the house and begin unpacking, I reach for a box and open it, the first thing I see is that protection my father told me about. I begun to smile like crazy. Oh how I miss you.

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