"Why didn't you tell us anything in advance? I could have prepared better! And you, what did you have in your mind, going through the thick rain of snow with these two small children?!"

She scolded Dad before she looked pitifully at the two small children who only stared at her back without blinking and said, "Ah, sorry for surprising you two, but it must have been cold, right? Don't just stand there, let's warm yourselves first."


My voice reflexively leaked out.

I couldn't understand what was going on.

At that time, another member of the family turned up.

"Mom, is Dad home? Lyra, are you also there? Why am I not hearing your voice?"

Then, Alt-nii arrived at the spot and saw the two children and Dad's conditions and...


--Then I saw Mom and Dad's very surprised faces. As if they just figured out what was going on in their children's minds.


"So... in other words...?"

I asked for a clarification again, after all of us gathered near to the room heater. I stared at my parents (especially Dad) with my hands crossed in front of my chest and a slightly sullen face. Correction, a very sullen face.

It seemed that apart from Mom and Dad, Alt-nii and I had no clue whatsoever on what was going on.

The two children seemed to be unaware of what was happening—or rather, they seemed to be so passive of their lives that they dozed off when they felt the warmth of the heater. They must have been so tired...


"Wait, what were the two of you thinking?" Dad suddenly questioned me and Alt-nii as we were staring daggers at him.

"Dad, I thought you brought in illegitimate children," Alt-nii sternly said.

"I was thinking that I should just go with Mom since you've wronged her," I added.

"That's what I thought too, Lyra!" Alt-nii added.

Then, Dad showed his dejected expression.

"Alt, Lyra... Can you trust your father more?" He pitifully asked.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," I said.

"But Mom, you didn't look all that surprised?" Alt-nii asked.

Then, I turned my questioning gaze towards Mom.

"...Well, I guess it's time to explain everything. It's also Cyan's fault for not giving a prior explanation or warning, so I think you deserved it," Mom said, adding salt to Dad's wound.

"Eh? But I already sent a message back in a hurry... Don't tell me it didn't reach you?" Dad asked.

"What message?" I asked using the same stern voice Mom usually used to scold Dad.

"...Lyra, you're growing more and more like Cassie," Dad showed a complicated smile—I felt like he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

"No, we sure didn't hear anything and that was how Lyra and Altaire were so shocked," Mom answered Dad's inquiry.

"......I'll need to send my complaint to that [Express Messenger Service] company...," Dad's eyes turned cold in an instant. The air around him went down several degrees.

I felt sorry for the company, for they made a blunder and offended my dad, of all people...

(Inside Cyan's mind)

[Express Messenger Service~ send any message instantly, anywhere, anywhen~ Confidentiality and express service are our main points, yepyep!]—the company's current slogan would be deleted by tomorrow. The company would be sued for false advertising.

"Could it be delayed due to the snow storm?" Alt-nii tried to be the peace maker in the family!

"Maybe," Mom smiled at Alt-nii.

[Express Messenger Service company's leader: "The snow storm hit our headquarters so hard, yep! It caused our system to failure... THIS IS AN ACCIDENT, YEP! FORGIVE US T__T"]

It was as if the goddess of misfortune gave the company her utmost blessing...

Dad sighed before he scratched his head, saying, "No wonder Lyra and Alt seemed clueless. I sent an urgent message before telling Cass the whole situation and to brief Lyra and Alt before I return with the kids... I was expecting Lyra and Alt's excitement... Alright, let me explain it, then."

"I'll help," Mom earnestly wanted to help Dad explain the situation.

"No, it's okay—" Dad realized that Mom wasn't good at explaining things to children, so he tried to stop Mom, but Mom's earnest eyes won Dad over.

While Mom and Dad were trying to explain what was going on, I took a few glances at the pair of heterochromatic children. They dozed off as they felt the warmth of the room heater. Suddenly, their heads bumped into each other's, causing the two to be awake in an instant.

Then, they continued to stare absentmindedly at the heater. Sometimes, they stole glances at all of us, yet whenever their eyes locked with mine, they quickly shifted their gazes elsewhere.

.........Cute, like small animals!


So... Apparently, when Dad asked my opinion about whether I would welcome a new sibling or not... Around that time, Dad heard the rumor of children who were related to Hartmann house.

Of course, Dad also consulted about it with Mom. Of the possibilities.

Yet, since there was no clarification or solid evidence yet, he hadn't really informed us. He wanted to inform us when he could make sure of the intel's credibility, in fear that it might be a false rumor and our excitement of getting new addition to the family would be shattered.

He was also afraid this might be a trap to lure our family out. As expected, there were people who knew of our abilities and targeted us. Not for a good cause, I heard.

In other words... The pair of children weren't Dad's illegitimate children!

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