~ Epilogue ~

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The fight in Beacon Hills was finally over, the Anuk-ite and Gerard was dealt with. Scott and the rest could now live their lives, but they would always have too look over their shoulders because Monroe still had her followers. But they all had each other, and they will always be there for one another...
Though Alice has lived through so much and lost a lot, in the end she found where she belonged. She found love where she thought she wasn't going too, she found best friends which she can count on. And in the end, when her life is over and done with - whenever that may be. She will be greeted by her friends and family, because that will be her peace. What she learnt from her long extended life, is that having the sheer will to go on, will bring her to meet important people in her life. And she won't change that for the world. Because they are wonderful, and selfless people...

We all know this isn't the end of Alice's story, in decades to come, she won't be Forgotten she'll still be around, protecting Beacon Hills from things that go bump in the night. Protecting her friends children, and their grand-children...

Or maybe she'll have the human life she's always wanted, children to call her own because in the end, there's loopholes in every spell...



Thank you all for reading this series! I'm so glad that it is over and done with, I've loved creating it and just love how this ending is done. I'm so pleased with it, and sorry again for not choosing Derek as Alice's pairing. I have ideas in mind for future books, like spin-offs of this, so like going into TVD/TO, and play out with that. But I don't know yet, we'll see. But I hope you all enjoy and liked it!!


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