Chapter Sixteen: Price Paid

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"What?!" Parrish states clearly worried about the plan I just told him. We stood in the middle of the corridor, as I folded my arms over my chest. I told him the plan with the spell, but he clearly didn't want me to perform it.

"Parrish, please. It's the only way," I told him as I unfolded my arms and held his hand in mine. "The spell will return everyone in Beacon Hills, and let the Ghost Riders move on from the town," I pleaded with him as this was the only way.

"At what cost. You said it's powerful dark magic. I won't let you do this!" he states strongly as he grips my hand to show he cares so much about me.

"I know you won't," I told him as I lean in and place my lips on his but the kiss was brief. Suddenly, Parrish falls backwards and slides down the wall, unconscious. I crouch down and held his hand in mine as I needed to get into the Wild Hunt. "Aperi mihi liceat per odium est," I chant, as I felt the spell work. A rift began to appear at the end of the corridor, the green shimmered in the air. I stood to my feet and travelled down the corridor. But I stopped at the rift, taking my gaze over to Parrish. "Forgive me," I spoke softly as I take a large step into the rift. A blinding white light surrounded me...


I stepped out into a train station waiting room as the rift closed behind me. In the distance I see Melissa and Chris kissing one another. I stared wide eyed at this right now, but I found it so cute, I told her she would find love one day.

"What was that for?" I hear Chris say to her.

"That was so hot," she replied, making me cock up my eyebrow meaning Chris must have done something heroic. They kiss once again, as it must have meant to be.

"You go girl," I state aloud, making Melissa and Chris part as they cocked their head to me.

"Alice?" Chris states as I made my way over to them. "Were you taken?" He asks with a worried expression.

"No. I opened a rift and used Parrish as an anchor to enter the Hunt," I speak to Chris and Melissa but they didn't full understand. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that I know a spell that will allow me to send everyone back to Beacon Hills and the Wild Hunt will move on," I told them as their expressions changed to a happy one, but my gaze left there's as I didn't want to look.

"I feel a but coming," Chris states as he noticed my lack of eye contact with them both.

"There is a price to pay..." I spoke as moved my gaze to meet theirs.

"What is it?" Melissa asks with a worried tone, but it was done in a motherly way.

"Once I start the spell, I can't stop. The two worlds will unmix and the train station won't exist. This requires a lot of black magic," I told them as the price of this was high.

"So?" Chris jumped in at the end as he didn't full understand where I was going with this.

"That much black magic will kill any Witch-"

"You'll die?" Chris finishes off as I finally met his gaze, nodding to him.

"Black magic always required a price," I spoke the truth as this was the way of black magic.

"You'll be sacrificing yourself! What about Scott? Lydia? Your friends? What is that going to do to them?!" Melissa rushes out as tears threatened her eyes.

"They'll have each other," I state to her as tears began to swell in my eyes. "It's a small price to pay to save thousands of people... I don't want to go, not right now. But it's the only way to save everyone," I told her as there wasn't time to argue. "I'm sorry, but it's the only way," I told her with a sad expression. As I took a deep breath and began to focus. "Phasmatos inta grum vin callus amalon callagius accodum," I began the spell as held my arms out. "Cosom naben dox callagius amalon gaeda callagius," I continued to chant, but the place began to shake, like a small earthquake was happening. But the spell was far from over... I turn to the door to the right. I waved my hand out too it, as they burst open and a rift appeared out of no where, and I jumped through. As it sent me to another location, the final place to finish this spell...


I was spat out in the woods, I stumbled forward but kept my balance. I was on the other side of the train track in the woods, but I see Malia, Peter, and Theo fighting the Ghost Riders as there were many of them. But I see Scott and Douglas fighting to the left of me. I so badly wanted to cross the track and help, but if I help, the spell will not take.

"Phasmatos inta grum callus, cosom naben dox," I began to chant once again, but Douglas noticed what I was doing from across the track, but Scott pushes him out of the way. "Switch the lanes, Scott!" I yell over to him as a horn blows through the air. But I see Malia through a whip to Scott, and he catches it. He cracks the whip out to the switch and pulls it back with his strength and within seconds, the lever pulls back and the lanes were switched. The train came zooming by, but instead of going through Beacon Hills, it went into a different direction. And it was gone out of sights within moments of it passing. I took my gaze to Scott, and Malia as I gave them a small smile but it was one of those smiles, that it was the last time they were going to see me.

"Phasmatos inta grum vin callus amalon callagius accodum," I began to chant the full spell as this was it. But I see the Ghost Riders gather around Scott, Malia, Theo and Peter, aiming their guns at them. "Cosom naben dox callagius amalon gaeda callagius. Inta grum callus, cosom naben dox," I spoke forcefully, as lightning erupted through the air as I felt the darkness creep in and notice my veins become black as the crawled up my hands and upon my face. I relished in the dark magic that was flowing through me, the feeling was familiar...

"You are freed! Leave this place!" I spoke aloud, coming onto the track as I stare at the Ghost Riders. But the Ghost Riders withdraw their gun and holstered them before walking away, and down the track.

"Where are you going?" Douglas asks them but they ignored him as the passed him. "Stop. Zuruckkommen," but the Riders didn't listen and walked down the track. Douglas comes onto the track and faces down it to stare at the Ghost Riders walking away. "Come back and kill them. Tote sie!" He yells down to them but they didn't listen.

"Yeah, call your army back. Or don't they listen to you?" Theo state with a smug look on his face.

"I am your leader. Ich bin dein Anfuhrer! Obey me. Gehorcht mir!" He yells the words in English and German to the Riders and they stopped and turned back to face Douglas. "Kill them. Kill all of them... Tote sie. Tote sie," he spoke as the Riders came back up the track. But they stop at Douglas and surround him...

"Riders don't have a leader anymore," I told Douglas as the Riders close in on him and his face began to melt away his features to be replaced with Ghost Riders one. Within seconds, he had shifted into a Ghost Rider, he shrieks into the air as he will now ride the hunt forever. Just then, a burst of lightning shot at the Riders and took them up. Our gazes raised up to see the clouds begin to fold back, until a clear night sky was left...

"It worked.," I spoke to the group as they turned to face me.

"Alice, what's happened to your face," Malia asks as she stares at my face with the rest of them.

"Dark magic," I replied to Malia, as a pain shot through my body, as I let out a groan while leaning over. "The spell I cast required a lot of dark magic, and any normal Witch won't survive... I didn't want to tell you," I lifted my gaze up to meet Scott's worried one.

"But you're not a normal Witch," Scott rushes out as he comes forwards and grabs me to keep me steady.

"Nature requires balance, Scott. I don't think I'll be coming back," I told him as tears threaten my eyes. I stare at my hand to see it begin to desiccate, my skin colour began to become pale. "I'm so sorry," I choke out as tears ran down my cheeks. "I'll never forget any of you," I told him, as my legs became weak and I fell back, but Scott kept hold of me and laid me to the ground. My breath hitched as I felt the desiccation process began to travel up to my heart... "I-I don't have long left," I choke out as my breath hitched once again. Tears fell from Scott's eyes, as they did with Malia. "Don't cry. You'll see me again, one day... When you've lived your life to the fullest. And when that day comes, I'll be waiting for you, all of you," my voice was soft and low, but I felt the desiccation spread up my body, and pass my neck. "Tell Parrish-" my breath hitched as I felt my heart stop as my eyes flutter close as the last thought of my life was of Parrish...

I will be remembered in all of their lives...

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