14th - Cal Kirin. Cal was the unluckily friendzoned guy, but he still went out of his way to protect his long-time love and District partner, Florina. His reasons for volunteering were honourable, if not 100% smart, and his determination will always be a defining quality for him. His mature personality might've gotten him farther, but it failed him this time.

13th - Sparrow Falls. Sparrow was a spiteful and hate-filled child after her parents abandoned her on the doorstep of the District orphanage, and it was them that motivated her to fight for her freedom. Sparrow and her best friend, Darcy, attempted to escape the District, which led to Darcy's execution and Sparrow entering the Games. Her determined and outgoing personality may have helped her get as far as she did, but she let her sadness and anger overtake her and, in the end, kill her.

12th - Jackson Bennett. Jackson used his smart mind and fit body to get as far as he did in his Games, and used his cheerful disposition to make others smile and make a lot of friends in the Games. His kindness and caring nature might've become his downfall, as he may not have had the guts to murder other tributes in cold blood.

11th - Chase Williams. Chase was a career from the beginning, in all but District. His mean personality may have gotten him quite a few enemies, and his eagerness to kill random people should've gotten him further in the Games, but it also could've gotten him killed earlier because he was such a big threat to those who were also in the arena.

10th - Titan Emerald. This stunning career tribute named himself as a huge threat from the very beginning, and his easy-going personality would've gotten him friends in the Games. Titan's death was rather shocking, especially after being sponsored by the Head Gamemaker himself, and teaming up with the rest of the careers.

9th - Florina Hale. This sweet-tempered, slightly weird girl outlasted many trained killers and careers, and surprised everyone by making it as far as she did. Most people expected her loud and childlike personality to get her killed straight away, but she surprised them all by persevering and making it to the top 10.

8th - Cloud Maize. Cloud was a courageous tribute, despite not really caring about anything other than himself. His reckless nature could've been the cause of his downfall, or maybe his intelligence got the best of him. His tragic background defined the man that he had become, and the unfairness of the situation is what drove him and, ultimately, got him as far into the Games as he did.

7th - Elaine Crudvent. She was obviously a dangerous tribute from the very beginning, especially after her parents were shot by peacekeepers and caused Elaine to begin training like crazy so that she could volunteer for the Games. The large array of weapons that she trained with definitely gave her an advantage over quite a few people. I guess the only thing stopping the careers from allying with her was her dedication to protect Cherry. Well, that and she was from District 12.

6th - Callisto Reed. Callisto was a deadly, cruel tribute from the very beginning, clearly looking forward to the upcoming Games. This sadistic and vaguely psychotic girl was in it to win it, thoughts of killing people always first in her mind. She began training from a young age, and that seemed to give her an edge against the competition. The bullying that she suffered hardened her resolve and made her more excited to kill. Eventually, her skills were overpowered and she perished in the Games.

5th - Red Velvet. Red got through the Games pretending to be a ditzy, stupid blonde, and that tactic worked until she showed people how clever and calculating she really was. It was her hidden personality and the perks that came with it that got her to the final 8, and one step away from the final 4. Red was instantly accepted into the career group, and grew a bit attached to most of them, and her affections may have been her undoing.

4th - Cherry Bruton. Cherry was a true underdog, right from the beginning. Being from District 3, no one expected her to live through the bloodbath, let alone come 4th out of 24 tributes. Her disability that caused her to black out didn't dampen her spirits and she entered the Games with victory in her mind, and she ignored her black outs that could've been fatal. Cherry showed that anyone can get far, with the right amount of luck, dedication and friendship, and she will forever be a role model to young girls from non-career Districts.

3rd - Noelle Jenkins. This psychopathic 12 year old scared the crap out of most people she met, and in no way did she stop there. She used her slightly deranged mind to her advantage, killing and torturong teenagers without any regret or guilt. She seemed like an inhuman monster, until the finals where Noelle finally realised how bad the things she had done were. Noelle displayed a perfect mix of craziness, with a large dose of cruelty and the tiniest pinch of humanity, and it was no surprise that she made it as far as she did.

2nd - India Fox. India started off as normal, well, as normal as a murderous career could get, and her mental health quickly deteriorated once she got into the Games. India was instantly accepted into the Careers, and showed them straight away that she deserved the place. Being from a career District anyway, India was already amazing with many weapons. Poor India was one tribute away from becoming Victor but, when it counted most, her amazing skills failed this sly girl and she died.

1st - Devlin Summers. Devlin was always a strong competitor, and completely ignored the fact that everyone expected him to die early on due to the District he was from. It turned out that Devlin was not your stereotypical District 12 tribute, and the tributes who underestimated him suffered the price. The burn on his face that he received from his brother seemed to be a major defining quality for him - making him uneasy around new people and wary that they would be terrified of his deformed face, and those qualities may have made the difference between life and death. It also helped that he had amazing skills with his chosen weapons, had a good alliance and had the brains and brawn to aid to his success. Congratulations Devlin!!

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