Chapter 13 (Demetrio)- The Three Apples

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April 14th, 2032

Almost the whole morning had gone by while they slept. Demetrio was concerned about the timing and deadline but Dimas kept his mind at ease. When Dimas woke up, he made the arrangements for their travel to Iran. Dimas has also spoken to whoever hired them to say that they needed their rest if they were to do a proper investigation. With some more convincing, they gave them three days. Their contact in Iran would only wait until sunset, so they better have hurried up. Once he hung up, Dimas cursed them in Russian.

"Something has changed...", Dimas said out loud putting his hands to his face. "Before, they not in such a hurry. Now, they need information, and evidence much sooner." He banged his fist to the table. "They act different. They been like this before. They always treat me well!"

"Same here Dimas", Demetrio put his hand on his shoulder, "From the sounds of it, they are in some sort of a hurry. But is three days so bad?"

"Da... It is bad because they say that in three days, they no hear from us, they send more people."

Demetrio knew what that implied and entailed. If the deadline came and went, then those that hired them will send more mercenaries and investigators, not only to succeed where they failed, but also to remove them out of play. That almost always entailed death.

"All right then", Demetrio clapped his hands, "Let's get the move on then!"

Tehran, Iran

Getting to and landing in Iran had been much easier then it use to be. Demetrio knew that some first hand experience. He did not expect it to this well though. Maybe it was the paperwork Dimas had. Or maybe it was their employers calling ahead and getting the path of entry ready of for them. Could have been both. Either way, it just further showed the reach and influence these people must have. That was starting to slowly make him uneasy.

Exciting the airport, they met up right away with their contact. Kaspar Sherazi, an Iranian ex-Interpol agent from Spain, greeted them warmly and introduced himself with some very firm handshakes. It was "love at first sight" for Demetrio and even though he found the man attractive, he tried his best to keep it to himself, for now. Instead, he took the back seat allowing Dimas to sit up front. Kaspar started driving South.

"So, I hear that you both come highly recommended from our employers." Kaspar spoke with a moderate mix of a Middle Eastern and Spanish accent, "They were really dead set on having me come here as fast as possible in order to prepare things and help you in return. But I have to say, I am curious..."

An unsettling silence surrounded them for much longer then Demetrio could handle, but he kept to it. Dimas was quiet too which told Demetrio that his trust levels were fluctuating too. Finally, Kaspar broke the quiet that he started.

"Fratres Aeterni, alea iacta est."
Latin for: Eternal Brothers, the die is cast.

Demetrio saw that Dimas nodded in confirmation.

"Da!" Dimas grinned turning back to look at him.

Demetrio knew what this was. He had some personal experience and had seen the use of certain phrases in certain languages. Special groups had been known to use them, even his own family had one. It was a unique way of communicating and conveying information. In this case, there was a "secret" Brotherhood that certain mercenaries belonged to. That even though mercenaries are obligated to fulfill what they were hired for, this group was made so that if their employers intentions are suspect, and may get out of hand, that these mercenaries will always have each other backs. Even if it is against the people who paid them.

Kaspar essentially wanted to find out if he could trust us while simultaneously telling us that we can trust him. Once Demetrio agreed to this, regardless of the fact that he was not a true mercenary, he was bound by this oath, until death. The die was cast indeed. Making such an oath though will not be completely hard because recently he has had one foot in the door to this world anyway. But would be be willing in walk over the threshold completely? Not that he may even have a choice in the matter.

"Indeed! I trust you both too!" Demetrio put his hands on their shoulders. He squeezed Kaspar's shoulder, who responded by smiling at him through the rear view mirror.

"Oh! That's a relief!" Kaspar huffed. "You can never be too sure about the employers motives, or the people they hire!" He drove on in silence for a bit.

"They threaten you?" Dimas asked him.

Kaspar nodded. "Yeah, they kind of did. Especially because I use to be in law enforcement. They know how to choose their words. If we fail, death is the only option."

Dimas nodded again too. They truly were in this together.

"Everyone. Almost every single employer I know of has been up in arms about something." Kaspar shook his head. "Over the last 24 hours or so, they have really been on edge. I could not find out much. I guess whatever Arastoo did here must of have upset a lot of people!"

Demetrio was shocked at hearing Arastoo's name in such an informal way. Almost like Kaspar knew Arastoo personally as well.

"You knew Arastoo too?" Demetrio simply and frankly asked.

"Our families go way back for decades in Iran. Before his family went to a Germany, then America, and my family went to Spain. Even after being apart, we always stayed in touch though, and helped each other out." Kaspar smiled again. "How about you, Demetrio?"

Demetrio was slowly getting aroused by Kaspar's smiles. He tried his best to not show it, for the time being. "We met when he hired me for numerous jobs many years ago. After some time, we started getting real close. At first, I thought that maybe he was lonely, or something. But then I eventually realized that he was looking to build a family of his own. Since then, we have been more then friends. Which is why whatever happened, whatever he started that lead to his disappearance. I want to find out what and why. It's personal."

"Same here. It's very personal."

Dimas looked at both men. "Me too! I know Arastoo too!" He paused and after a few seconds, started laughing at their shocked faces. "Sorry, sorry! I kid! I try to lighten up mood a bit. Da?" His demeanor changed to something more sympathetic. "Serious though... I understand. I may not know Arastoo, but I understand feeling. For me, in own way, is personal too." 

All three of them nodded in acknowledgement solidifying the unofficial Brotherhood that they unofficially joined. Not that any of that matter. Regardless, the three men were on their own mission of sorts. Separate of those who hired them and the mercenary rules by where bond. Even separate from the supposed Brotherhood. Kaspar just continued driving towards Isfahan. They were on their own, for now.

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