Dreams ain't a garden of roses

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Hey guys I'm back with another part of the story

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Hey guys I'm back with another part of the story. 

Enjoy reading and do comment me your love and support.


So as my turn came, my name was called and I headed towards the cabin for the interview but to my surprise there no trace of Manik Malhotra there. I was disheartened as I wanted to meet Manik Sir desperately.  Then I saw a man sitting there in some casuals and I was pretty sure as he's gonna take my interview. As he turned it got me a shock with surprise to see him. It was non other than "The Great Cabir Dhawan"

Now there comes the introduction of Mr. Cabir Dhawan, he is a charmer for sure. He is the owner of Dhawan Chain of hotels and he was secretly in love with the my childhood bestie. I knew every bit of their love story but to my disappointment he knew nothing about me as I never meet him and he wanted his relationship to be secret. Even I didn't wanted to intrude their personal space as I was a bit introvert. I skipped a major part of his life he was the bestfriend of the "Manik Malhotra" but neither the less today I was meeting him personally. Now I was sure he is going to take my interview.

So I calmed myself and politely greeted him. I headed towards the chair to sit as directed by his p.a. As I sat he wished me  back and ask me a few questions regarding the post and I fluently answered every bit of it to my true presence of mind.

He just looked at me with a smile and ask me to wait outside. I was not pretty sure as I will get this job as there was no sign of approval and to be truthful I didn't had any experience. So it was pretty sure I wasn't getting this job. Now the interview was done and there was an announcement made for post allotted. So basically 20 people were selected and allotted to finance department, admin department and operational units for supervising as per their requirement but dismay, there was no trace of my name on the list.

I turned up and left the place at once. I reached home and cried a lot as I really hopped to get this job in the finance department. But I didn't lose hope as may be I have a better luck next time situation. I can't just give up so easily on myself so I again tried to search different places for jobs online and slept working. As I got up in the morning, I checked my mail box and to my surprise there was mail from the Malhotra Group of Companies. I really got nervous and hoped every single possibility of a bad news. So I prayed to my Aiyyappa and opened it. The mail was literally blank and there was just one line written stating that "Nandini Murty we expect your presence by 10 am today." I mean seriously I just had one hour as I was sleeping monkeys and donkeys and it was 9 already. So hurriedly I started getting ready like flash (The superhero, I guess you guys know him) and within 30 mins I left for the office. I was literally running through my way to reach on time as I didn't wanted to be late at this hour.

I reached the office by 9.55 and huffed badly as I wasn't able to catch my breath. I went to receptionist and I ask about my appointment. She quietly showed the way towards the lift for top floor. But to my surprise the mere private lift was a very lavish one. Also the cabin was heading to was on the top floor of the lavish building. Now really I was getting very nervous. I knocked the door and wish them good morning. I saw Cabir Sir sitting there and there was this head chair all empty. Cabir gestured me to sit down. So I sat. He kept quiet and I was breathless so even I kept mum. About 10 minutes later there was a barged in the lavish room by this man. He sounded authoritative and greeted Cabir. Cabir stud-up and wished him with hug. I haven't turned yet as I was just praying to aiyyappa for a safe life. I knew the aura which the man was holding behind me was hypnotising and I was sure if I won't be able to breath further if I saw him. Cabir said something about me to him and left from there. He stated "So you are Nandini Murty, am I right?". "Was I, right I didn't knew what to speak now but still I stud up and wished him morning and again he gestured me sit back. So I sat again. I was just looking down as I didn't had the courage to face him. He stated that from today onwards I was his personal secretary, really? wasn't this man crazy. I instantly looked up to him, right in his eyes. They hurt, his eyes hold a lot of emotions and anger. I called for myself and protested as I hadn't applied for this job of a personal secretary. He just said one sentence as "Never dare to oppose me or question me". His voice was so sharp that I literally got scared and again looked down and started praying to aiyyappa. He informed me that my job will started from today and I need to look after all his wants and needs and follow him everywhere, seriously like everywhere. 

A man may be his staff came and showed me my cabin, it was a lavish one with beautiful interiors and it was adjacent to his room as only a glass door separated our rooms. I could feel him sensing my each move. I reached there and started arranged everything to feel like my cabin I keep a photo of aiyyappa and started praying. I was getting bored as I didn't knew what to do and I didn't had the courage to look toward the glass partition where I could feel his constant gaze on me, which had the power to burn me in and out. Suddenly the phone started ringing, I mean the landline of the room. I picked it and slowly said "hello". and after few seconds there was his voice, "Come into my cabin right now"

I was really scared as I looked all through my room thinking that did I make a mistake, I really didn't had any idea about it. I went slowly and knocked his door. He simply told me to never knock his door and walk straight to my room, then he told me to bring him a black coffee. Now as I was the secretary I had to do it. I went to bring the coffee and the coffee machine was in the right corner of the gallery. So I took the coffee but as I was going back to the room taking the coffee, a girl bumped into me and pushed me. Due to sudden push I kissed the floor. I mean what a great start of the first day. She eyed me and shouted on me as few drops of coffee was spilled on her dress. I cried loudly in pain as I realised that the hot coffee was spilled on my hand. I saw Manik running towards me and he picked me up in his arms. There something in his eyes as he carried me, "Concern" was all over written over his face and I couldn't believe it was for me. He rushed me towards he cabin and the girl followed us behind. 

The girl shouted on me as she entered the cabin "girl don't try to over react there's nothing that happened to you and Manik why are you even getting concerned about her. She just a commoner and nothing more. Manik are even listening to me. Stop helping her." The lady in the room was ranting all her talks to me and Manik but he was not paying any heeds to her. He was very scared and started to panic, he quickly called the doctor and meanwhile held my hand in the cold water jar. And was just looking at my hand. The girl started to shout and took my hand out of the jar and slapped me harshly and that was it. Manik was about to slap her but I stopped him as I didn't wanted him to loose his calm. So I slowly said "Sir, I'm alright, nothing happened and its not her fault. I wasn't looking at the right direction."

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP, BLOODY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING, SIT BACK RIGHT THERE", Manik howled like a beast. It was the very first time I saw him this angry. I quickly sat on sofa and didn't speak a word after that and to my surprise even the lady sat next to me quietly.


That was it guys for part 2.. Please ignore the mistake as its not proof read.

Thanks for reading the story... stay tuned for the next update

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