XLV. Stronger love

Start from the beginning

"Can I please-" he started talking but his voice broke. "Can I explain what happened?"

You looked at the floor before looking at him again.

"Did you sleep with her?" You asked.

"No, no. That's totally false" he responded, immediately.

"I don't believe you," you said, crying.

"Please, you have to believe me," he said, crying too. You looked at him crying and your crying intensified.

"Did you spent the night with her?" You asked, trying to contain yourself.

"Yes, I did. But-" he said.

"Stop lying to me!" You yelled, with angry tears falling down your cheek.

"I'm not lying to you if you let me explain you will understand" he screamed at you.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna leave," Aiden said, standing up the bed. You forgot he was there and felt sorry for him. Adam looked at him.

"I'm sorry Aiden," he said. Aiden looked at you and gave you a sign letting you know he was going to be near in case you needed something.

"You spent the night with her but you didn't have sex?" You asked Adam when Aiden left.

"Yes," he said, walking around and running a hand through his hair. "But I kissed her," he said, looking at you. His cheeks were red and his lips were swollen because of the crying.

When you heard those words, you felt as if he ripped your heart from your chest and stood on it. You broke down in tears, sobbing loudly.

"Why Adam?" You said, looking at him.

"I don't know," he said, crying. "One thing led to another and-"

"Fuck you!" You screamed. "I should've never trusted you, this was a mistake. What was I supposed to wait from a man who cheats his wife?" You said, moving your arms angrily while you talked.

"Don't say that!" He yelled, pointing at you. "You know perfectly that I fell in love with you, I've never used you to cheat on her. I'm not in love with her" he said, with his neck vein swollen. "But I love you"

You looked at him, shaking your head and almost laughing.

"If you loved me you wouldn't cheat on me," you said.

"I didn't cheat on you! It was just an innocent kiss" he yelled. "Was it wrong? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes. Do I think it's a big deal? No" he said.

"Well it is a big deal to me" you shouted. "How would you feel if I did this to you? Huh? Tell me" you said, he stared at you with tears falling down his face. "Would you be able to look at me the same way?"

He looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed.

"Of course not!" You said, crying. "I can't look at you the same now, something broke and I think it would never be repaired"

"Please, you have to understand," he said, whining. "We've been together for a long time, it was just an insignificant kiss"

Forbidden Lust - Adam Driver Where stories live. Discover now