1 the beginning

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It seems unreal this crazy thought going through my mind, I can't be falling for him he is my best friend.

I had a dream about him, his light green eyes those condescending smiles he often throws at me, the smart remarks he makes in front of his friends, the lengthy conversations we have at night out in the porch of my small apartment he is all I have known so when a few nights ago Michael went missing i had to dig and dig until what I found shook me so hard I needed to catch my breath.

Michael was or is in trouble my blood boiled in the sense of not knowing where to find him or who had him in this case, I knew the vampires of the Bay had something to do with it so I talked myself into going to one of the nearby bars to get info, it was not an easy thing entering a bar or club without being identify actually i was hoping my boobs and ass would earn a free pass. My head formed words and pictures, they must have him in a basement where the sun is never there and the moon is locked away every night, i contemplated different scenarios but i feared i might find him a little bit too late.

11;36 pm

It was time my apartment smelled of a cheap flowery perfume my outfit screamed hooker and my tan skin was melting perfectly with the disguise, I was sure to attract something. As I stared myself in the mirror my big black eyes full of weight and worry now wiped away with some concealer and powder, the perfectly trimmed gold locks just like my momma had them at my age I always thought blue was my color, Michael always said he would not speak to me the day i dyed it blue or green. My phone rang that annoying chirpy noise I hated so much I jumped up the stairs into the kitchen counter where it was mostly stained with grease and crud from previous cooking attempts. "hello?"  Hadley was on the other end her annoying little girly voice surely had to get the latest gossip from me before she went to sleep, but not tonight, tonight was about Michael "hey babe, heard the clubs were just opening, what do ya say are you down?"

i could not have ditched her so easily as today, i hated her she was a leach but Michael thought she was entertaining,  the only entertainment was her double d's and those buttocks fat transfer that made her ass shake every time she tried to make tik toks. "hey Hadley not tonight got some matters to take care off" she sighed and her siren voice got even more high pitched "why! omg promise i won't try and set you up with one of my cousins girlll but tonight there is this new place called ecstatic they say vampires will bite you and it feels amazing" .

I was in awe

"Hadley you said,vampires? are you sure"

"ugh duh,I don't like repeating myself Cata soooo you coming or not bitch?"

i think this was my inn and i had to take it, Hadley didn't know it but I was looking for this place i knew Michael had some business with vampires he was a dealer, after all, making him a potential victim to the mind games and seductions, he sold everything out there. I was an addict when we met always calling him, plus I thought he was kind of handsome how those curls of his always hanged from his forehead, his white teeth always impeccable, and those beautiful lips making me always wonder how would it be to kiss them and bite them and savor every inch of his mouth.

So i said in almost a whimper

"ill put on my best leather outfit meet you at 12" and hanged the phone up as i hid my mini portable gun on the inside of my tall black leather boots.

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