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"Ok....... why are we here again?"

"We need to discuss protection for John," Alfred spoke to Maria...

It was silent in the room.

"So why are we here?" Diego asked.

He rolled his eyes at the twins and stood up. His whole family was here, great.

"So guys... we need to talk about protection plans for John. If I'm not available, it would be great for one of you to step in."

"And why do we want to protect him?" Peru asked.

"There are still chances of certain relatives of ours throwing a punch at John. And we can't have that."

"We?" Chile asked, "Maska you have to remember-"

"Please just hear me out......" He begged, "That's all."

His family looked at each other. This wouldn't be all.

"If I have to leave the room or something, I need someone.... who won't attack John," He was calling out Maria.

"Okay...." Suriname sighed, "But are you really really gonna spending all your time here? In this room?"

"Yeah, just until John gets better." He shrugged, "Then we can start hanging out outside the room."

John didn't feel too good about that.

"You do realize that you're spending so much time with him? You have family downstairs who-" Canada was cut off.

"John is hurt and needs us!"

"This whole situation is because of John!"

"Okay, okay." Ecuador stepped between the twins. "Lets listen to what Maska has to say just for this short amount of time."

America took a breath, "Okay. I just need you guys to give me your word that you'll help out and protect John. That's all I need."

The atmosphere in the room was unreadable.

"Okay," Venezuela nodded. They weren't gonna get through to Alfred, she could only hope that he would realize everything with time. "Fine... just call me when you need me." She spoke.

She just hoped he would get it with time.

"Thank you," He smiled and nodded. He looked towards the rest of his family.

Canada frowned and clenched his fists. Alfred was just seriously ignoring everything that had happened in the last few months.

"Guys?" He asked the rest of his family members.

One by one, South America reluctantly agreed to help protect John.

All America was asking for was his family's help. That's all, nothing too much. Well, it wasn't anything too much in his opinion.

"Fine. Okay whatever!!" Matthew's annoyed voice spoke up. He was so sick of this, he marched out the room. He couldn't take possibly having to see John everyday when Alfred left the room. What the Hell? He didn't want to be around this bastard. After everything that had just happened?!

Canada had said yes but that tone had said no.

Alfred felt hurt by that. Why was he so upset? Why couldn't they see that this John was different? He was changed. Why was he the only to see that?

He would go talk to his brother later.

Confederacy felt like such a burden. He was only making eye contact with the floor, afraid to look at anyone else. Canada was right. He was the cause of all this. And felt so bad about that.

Redemption (Sequel To We Are North America)Where stories live. Discover now