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What was this? What the Hell was happening right now?

What the Hell was Alfred trying to do to him?

England shook his head, he just didn't understand. His son has litteraly just came back from the dead and was doing all this!

He just didn't understand him. How the Hell could he just bring John, the Confederacy into his house. Into his home!?!

Their home?

After all he had done.

"Joáo!! Elissa!!" Arthur called as he noticed his sister and best friend come out the room that held North and South America..... and Confedrancy. "What is going on?!"

"I would also like to know the answer to that question!" Prussia crossed his arms.

Spain looked at his brother and gave him an 'explain' look.

Portugal rolled his eyes, "I'm the oldest Antonio. I don't answer to you."

"Well I would like to know what that bastard is doing around my children again!! I have a right to know," Spain spoke annoyed.

He was more in disbelief and curious as to why John was here. But of course he was mad. That puta had killed his baby boy!!

"Someone better have a good explanation for this!!" Nicaragua growled. She had just woken up and all this was happening.

What was even happening? She didn't even know. Apparently John was here?

What? Why?

Elissa looked around at all the nations. She was going to have to say something. They all technically did have a right to know.

Oh boy. Here she goes. "Yes. It is true, John is here. He is here and alive."

"What!?!" Grenada called.

"Why though!?!" Arthur spoke out angrily. How could Alfred do this him?

After everything that had happened!!

Northern Ireland looked at Portugal. And the man started to speak, "That is a matter of privacy. When the Americas decide to speak about it, you can know."

"They are my children!! And this is my house! I deserve to know!!" England shouted. His face was turning red.

How dare Alfred do this.

The empire pushed pass Portugal and Nothern Ireland and started to bang on the door. "North and South America!! Open this door right now!!"

"Artie, calm down," Scotland rolled his eyes.

"Calm down!?!' Prussia asked, "You expect him to calm down when the bastard who killed his son is in his house!!?!"

"Are you sure you don't want to calm down either Prussia?" Malta asked.

"This makes no sense!!"

"Damnit Joáo ¡dime por qué está aquí!" Spain shouted at his brother.

The two Iberians stared at one another, and it was clear a fight or something of the sort was about to happen.

"Um?" Portuguese Guinea looked at his older sister for help. Mozambique quickly sprinted into action.

She grabbed her father's hand and started to pull him away from her uncle. "Come on Papai. We should have some tea."

However, Portugal let go of his daughter's hand. "Me desculpe (I'm sorry) meu amor. But I have to teach meu irmão (my brother) that I do not answer to him."

Redemption (Sequel To We Are North America)Where stories live. Discover now