A New Day

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Barbados covered her mouth as she yawned, she was making herself some tea. Tea was a great way to start the day.

Yesterday had been something.... but that didn't matter anymore. She was kinda excited for today. She really wanted to spend some time with Alfred.  Like everyone else in her family, she had been shocked and absolutely saddened by what happened.

And also like everyone in her family, she had been so happy when North and South America showed up, and overjoyed when Alfred came into view.

She really wished that her siblings hadn't been so..... so.. so distracted by John yesterday. Everyone had been so excited to see them and were even more excited to spend time with them. But, then he arrived.

What the Hell?

Nobody could wrap their head around it.

And of course, her brother being the sweetheart he is, now is spending all of his time with John. As far as she knows, Alfred is the only one who actually liked John.

She sighed, there was nothing she could do about it now. What will be will be.

She heard footsteps and smiled at her sister, Dominican Republic. Her sister smiled back, they didn't have to exchange any words. Barbados started to make her sister a cup. The two girls were't speaking but there was a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere around them. 

Everyone was still trying to adjust and work on rebuilding relationships with each other since they had just came back together as a family some weeks ago. For example, France and England were taking things slow. Their relationship had been so badly broken during that painful time.

Barbados carefully brought both cups to the table. Passing one to her sister.

"I might be heading back to bed for more sleep," D.R. almost yawned, "I feel like I had enough rest but, more doesn't hurt," She laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you slept through the yelling last night," Her sister responded. 

"Ooh," She was intrigued, "What happened?"

"Well, dad was trying to kick out John... I think he was drinking a bit before. Anyways, Uncle Wales came up to try and calm him down. Uncle Al asked him who was he killing. In the end, John wasn't kicked out. Don't know why."

"Knowing Alfredo, he probably threatened to leave if John left," D.R. shook her head, "I don't really get it but Al is pretty stubborn so there's no changing his mind."

"A lot of us don't get it. I think a lot of us are still pretty speechless."

The two girls smiled at the young server as she gave them their plates of breakfast. Just some potato bread, fried potatoes, and stew. They thanked her and she went on her way. 

Some more guests had left early this morning. Even with a mild headache, Arthur and Wales played the role of good hosts and waved them goodbye, England apologized for the disturbance from their slumber last night. 

He didn't show it, but was pretty embarrassed for his behavior yesterday night. The only guests left over were Liechtenstein, Prussia, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltics, Belarus, the Italies, Germany, and Portugal and his children.

After the guests had left, Wales told his brother off for how he spoke to Alfred. Even with his headache. Arthur just held his head in his hands and listened to it. He didn't speak. He just listened.

It wasn't like he was trying to get mad at Alfred, the boy had just- why the Hell would he bring John here.

It was just alot. Arthur wasn't trying to cause a divide once again between he and his son again. But.... it was just..... he honestly didn't know.

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