All Day

469 16 6

Told ya I would try updating much more!! This update was suppose to happen yesterday but oh well.


"What do you mean they said no?" Alfred asked sofly.

"Al, they're eating and most likely just got up awhile ago. They just want some breakfast now," Canada tried to reason.

"Well then came tell them to come when they finish-"

"Maska," Paraguay shook his head, "We'll help you out since we do care for you. But you can't just expect this family to put everything on hold for John."

John bit his lip, "I'm really sorry. I know I'm a burden."

"Yeah, you are." Diego agreed.

America put his head in his hands, "I know, I know guys. But please? This is a family matter-"

"Alfredo, you're the only one who is taking this seriously-" Chile was caught off.

"This is serious!! And I know you all feel the same way! You know this is serious, but you don't want to help him because he's John!!"

"Accurate," Canada yawned.

John flinched, that stung.

Alfred shook his head at his relatives. "I need you guys to please, please help me. Help John. At least to help him pass peacefully."

"Do you understand how many people he killed without mercy?" Ecuador asked.

"We've all had to kill!! All of us! We're nations!" America countered. He looked at Matthew and Diego, "Even Mama had to kill to keep us safe! She killed for us!!"

"That's different," Venezuela spoke, "She killed to keep her babies safe."

"Things were getting dangerous fast and she killed as a last resort Alfred, you know that," Canada shook his head.

"The point I'm trying to make is that we've all killed-"

"Are you trying to justify-"

"Okay guys!!" Colombia got everyone's attention, "Look, most of us here haven't eaten or even gotten ready for the day yet. Some of us here are still tired." She looked at her cousin, "Alfredo, can this wait a little while? Just let us all get situated first, si?"

Alfred really did want to, he really wanted to make plans with his family. "I-"

John put a hand on his shoulder, "Al, don't force them here. Let them go and get themselves together. Please."

America closed his mouth and nodded.

John thought he was imagining things when he saw Colombia give him a grateful smile as most of the Americas headed out.

"And ask Tina and Mar to come when they're done too!!" America called out to his family.

Brazil didn't leave yet though, "Al? Aren't you going to go get yourself ready?"

America shook his head, "That's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. I'm worried for John's safety when I leave the room." They had many family members who would gladly attack him. "So I wanted to get everyone to agree to at least be part of John's protection force."

Brazil nodded thinking about it. "I'll stay with John. You go and get ready. I'm already dressed for the day."


"Just go primito," Brazil left no room for argument.

Alfred looked unsure but he sensed that Brazil wasn't going to attack John-

Redemption (Sequel To We Are North America)Where stories live. Discover now