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How the hell did he explain this?

Maybe. Just maybe, by some chance he would be able to dodge the coming countries right now.

But Ecuador.... his oldest cousin right here who was staring at him, waiting for a response.... There was no getting out of this.

He sighed and looked at Maria who was also waiting for an explanation. She looked like she wanted to attack John again too.

He couldn't exactly say his sister was in the wrong, but still though..... Well, it technically was karma.

What goes around comes around.

"When Mattie, D, and I were at the river. We saw a body laying there. I started some compressions, not realizing who it was.... And.."

"It was John?" Ecuador asked. America nodded while Maria rolled her eyes.

"You couldn't just leave him?"

"Of course not Mar. He needs help."

"What is he doing here anyway? He died awhile ago. How is he even alive?" Maria asked seriously. Ecuador nodded, he was also confused.

"Like I said. He needs help Mexica. Our help, it actually only us who can save him-"

"What the Hell is he doing here!?!" They heard Prussia screech.

Oh. The other countries were here.


The three New World countries looked at the Empire. Who stood in disbelief.

America tried to calm him down, "Gil, listen-"

"He's dead right? You did shoot him..... right kid? Am I seeing things? This can't be possible."

"He did shoot him. I was there and saw it with my own eyes," Canada walked up with his arms crossed. He honestly did not give a damn about John.

"Than why is he alive?!"

"Umm excuse me," Ivory Coast rubbed her eyes, not realizing the situation, "What is going on for everyone to be so loud. And where was that gunshot- Que se passe-t-il!!?!" She cursed as she finally looked down and saw John.

"Your language is atrocious, madame," Diego commented as he joined everyone.

"Why?!" Was the only thing their sister could say.


The reactions just kept on coming.

Ecuador, being the shirtless gentleman he was, went to help Belgium pick up her dropped tray that had been holding teacups and a teapot.

But of course that all fell when saw John.

America felt his North American Siblings looking at him. "Yes?"

"You know this is only going to get worst as the day goes on right?!" Canada asked. "What will Dad say?"

"I am not looking forwards for that."

"O Dios Mio," Venezuela looked at her relatives, looked at John and just headed up the stairs.

She gave them all the 'we're talking about this later look'.

"We didn't do anything," Diego motioned to himself and Matthew.

"Siblings go down together D," Maria commented.

"Not when Camilla (Venezuela) is about to curse the Hell out of you!!"

"Is no one going to explain this!?" Prussia still was not understanding anything.

Redemption (Sequel To We Are North America)Where stories live. Discover now