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Okay. Okay. Sure, maybe he should have taken a different approach to reacting to John.

But it wasn't Prussia's fault you know. Why the Hell would Alfred bring him here? The guy who killed him in ice cold blood.

He shook his head, the kid was too nice for his own good.

He had warned Alfred about this so many times before.. Gosh freaking dang it man.

Prussia sighed and shook his head. You know what? Maybe he should go and talk to Alfred. Yeah. Here him out.

The kids just got back and to be honest, yesterday he had been beaten down on. Not physically of course. But a lot of members of his family did not agree with him bringing John over.

Gilbert stepped out of his room and stretched. Yesterday had been interesting. He did feel kinda bad though, he didn't bother to hear Alfred out. There had just been a lot of shock, you know?

He was a bit ashamed at that since he made it a point to listen to others before adding his input. It's how he was taught by his father. And how he taught and treated his siblings.

Especially Liechtenstein, she was a young girl. There would be people who would try to disregard her opinion.. The same way she needed to listen to others, he wanted her to know that others also had to listen to her.

Gilbert walked down the hallway to the room John was staying in..... Did Arthur even approve of this?

John was technically an uninvited guest.

"Prussia! Good morning to you comrade!"

Gilbert turned around and saw Russia. He nodded at the ally who also helped Alfred during the first Civil War. "Rus, how are you this morning?"

Russia stretched, "Not too bad. I slept longer than I thought I would. I suppose I'm still very tired from the first war."

Prussia nodded. Relate.

"You are not going downstairs to eat?"

"I'm going to talk to the kid first," He repiled.

"John?" Russia asked knowingly.

"You already know."

"There's no convicing him to kick him to the curb."

"Of course there isn't. This is Alfred."

"I'm not surprised by this behavior of his. I haven't gone to talk to him about this John situation. I still don't know why the bastard is here. I think everyone's reactions weren't exactly what he was expecting."

Prussia nodded, "I feel like I should have been better in my reaction so I'm going to talk to him right now."

Russia thought about, maybe he should go too. "I'll come with you. I don't mind checking up on America."

The two nations walked to the room. Well, more like Russia followed Prussia. Since he didn't know where John was staying.

Cause you know... he didn't give a damn about him.

Gilbert knocked on the door.

A sadden Alfred opened the door. "Morning guys."

John, who was in the bed, froze at the sight of the two elder nations.

Prussia looked at him, "Relax, we're not here for you."

He nodded and looked away.

Alfred frowned, "Don't talk to him that way!!!"

The older two looked at him. Okay... what was up with him?

"I don't really see how you can expect us not to," Russia said.

"Everyone isn't bothering to get to know John, to try and know. No one is bothering to hear him out. See how he changed. No one's listening."

Listening..... Prussia stopped for a moment. He was about to speak when Russia replied to Alfred.

"America, you can't just expect us to-"

"That's what everyone's been saying to me but you guys aren't even bothering to understand-"

"You're not listening. You're not listening to anybody. You're hearing them but you're not listening."

"Nobody is hearing me out-"

"Well," Russia countered, "Have you bothered listening to their point of view."

Alfred thought about it.

"You need our help?" Diego asked, "Or does John need our help?!"

"I think to them, it feels like your disrespecting their efforts. Like you're disregarding everything they did for you. Give them time and don't force anyone to come over. It would be great for everyone to see it each others way but that can't always happen. We have some differences right now and we need to respect them. We'll respect yours and you respect ours." (Brazil)

"Yeah," He nodded, "Of course."

"And have you bothered to understand that point of view?" Russia asked calmly.

"Well.... yeah. But they're all not understanding me.... so-"

"There's a lack of communication and understanding here.... Just like your family." Prussia finally spoke.

What? "What do you mean?" Alfred asked.

"Sit down kid. It's storytime."

"What? Prussia, what?-"

"Sit down. We're all gonna talk, and everyone in this room is going to listen to each other."

America went next to John in the bed and sat. Prussia had ordered him like a commander/older brother.

He crossed his arms, he didn't exactly think he was gonna gain anything from this but who was he to disobey Gilbert when he was in commander mode?

Prussia and Russia pulled up two chairs and sat in front of John and Alfred.

"Go," Gilbert spoke.

"What?" John asked.

"Talk, speak your truth."


Sorry this is so short guys. Next chapter will be longer.

Redemption (Sequel To We Are North America)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum