I looked down at my shoes and looked up at him then had a offensive look on my face .

Starbucks worker: the answer is  a yes but we don't go around say that here now do we ?

Seoho:ugh whatever  so how much is it ?

Starbucks worker: $10 sir and what is your name ?

I have him the $10 .

Seoho:well um sir this coffee is for my boss mr.jeon.

Starbucks worker:so what's his name ?


Starbucks worker:mr.John ?

Seoho: no ! It's mr.Jeon !

Starbucks: mr. Neon ?

Seoho: mr.j.e.o.n!

Starbucks worker:okay mr. Je'on this is the final time I change it okay .

5 minutes later
I got my boss's coffee and then left to give the frappuccino to me .Jeon .

Jeongguk p.o.v

I wanted to take a little nap and just relax but I can't since I have to work more or this company will flop I let out a deep sigh and pick up my phone and set a timer for  30minutes so I can get a little rest .I close my eyes and drift off to dream land .

Time skip 30minutes later

I heard the door opened and woke up to see that my secretary got my coffee which to like an freaking hour for this dude to get my coffee .

Jeongguk:about time you got here .now where's my mocha frappuccino?

Seoho: here sir.*hands the coffee to Jeongguk*

Jeongguk:thank you *takes the coffee from seoho* now do I have anything on my schedule that needs to be done ?

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Jeongguk:thank you *takes the coffee from seoho* now do I have anything on my schedule that needs to be done ?

Seoho:oh yes sir you have a private  meeting with mr.han . In about 3minutes

Jeongguk:okay . Bring mr.han here when he comes.

Seoho: oh okay mr. Jeon

3minutes later

Seoho:mr.jeon,mr.han is here .

No one p.o.v

Mr.han came in the office and say down on the chair and looked up at Jeongguk  and started talking after shaking hands with jeongguk.

Mr.han:so I've heard  you have a lover now .


Mr.han:you wouldn't  mind sharing  your little toy with me ,I really need someone  with a tight  hole and a pretty face.

His Possession (kookv)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now