Stay With Me

23 1 0

{I just really love this song and I wanted to put it up, that's all} 

Noya's pov:

I left Hikaru and headed to the men's WC, I wore my clothes that Hikaru brought. I really didn't want to wear them but I looked ridiculous with Asahi's clothes. Yets I kept his sweater on me- which seemed kinda big, okay huge- but I didn't take it off. I walked out and headed to the waiting room, where I tried not to cry- I tried to be strong and I just couldn't! Tears just kept rolling down my face like a waterfall. 

I heard Ishida-sensei's yelling- "PATIENT 108, AZUMANE ASAHI, 24 OF AGE- GET HIM TO THE OPERATION ROOM STAT! I NEED AN AB TYPE BLOOD, 6 MILLIMETERS..." I jumped up from my seat and headed to Ishida-sensei when I heard Asahi's name. "Ishida-sensei! what's going on-" I nervously yelled... He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. " I'm afraid -in grave danger, Noya-Kun, let me handle this..." Ishida sensei said, nodded and ran to the operation room. 

I fell on my knees, I cried and cried...and cried- I was torn- my heart was torn like a sheet of paper. But I couldn't stand to helplessly watch as I get torn every time...

Third person's pov:

{A year and a half later} 

"Noya-Kun! a pole collapsed on this person-" A nurse said, "Get me an ECG, tube, 20 millimeters of type O+, and find a vein, and provide him with CPR- STAT!" Nishinoya replied. After the operation which went successfully, Nishinoya's shift ended. "Whelp, it did pay on being a medical student..." He murmured to himself.

"Sanchez-Kun, can I have file 108?" Nishinoya said as he approached the reception- taking off his gloves. "Again? Why're you obsessed with Azumane Asahi's case file?"  Sanchez replied as he handed Nishinoya the file. Nishinoya smiled at the file and looked back at Sanchez. "What can I say, I'm interested in people like him," Nishinoya said as shrugged then winked as if it was a joke. "Darn you" Sanchez laughed to himself as Nishinoya left.

Nishinoya knocked on Ishida-sensei's office, opened the door, and yelled "Ishi-chi!" as he came in. "Now now, we agreed that you couldn't call me that in the hospital" Ishida stubbornly said. Nishinoya cleared his throat and handed Ishida the file. "I found lungs that are the perfect size, though we need to get approval first-" Nishinoya said before getting cut off by Ishida. "Isn't your shift over?" He chuckled shaking his head and raised a brow at Nishinoya who huffed and crossed his arm. 

"I already got approval though, from the chairmen- it was one of his juniors who worked with him who died" Nishinoya murmured. "What about his parents? sisters? family? anyone?" Ishida asked as he stood up from his chair. "It seems that the chairmen took him in, so he's family basically? I don't really get it either, but we got approval" Nishinoya shrugged. "Then- let's go tell him," Ishida said walking to the door. "I'll tell him-" Nishinoya interrupted. Ishida smiled and moved aside for Nishinoya to pass, "Thank you-... Ishi-chi!"  Nishinoya excitedly said and made a peace sign as he sprinted off. 

Nishinoya knocked on the door then opened it, coming in. "Asahi, how're you doing?-" Nishinoya smiled as he walked in and asked. "Hm? oh- um, I'm doing fine" Asahi stuttered, surprised by Nishinoya's entrance. Asahi slowly breathed in and out as he sighed. "I'm not used to seeing you like this- ah, I mean- or even a medical student" Asahi chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

Nishinoya laughed to himself as he fluffed Asahi's pillow- "Well, back then I didn't really intend to since I was desperate to spend time with you" Nishinoya exclaimed. Asahi pulled Nishinoya's hand right before he had left and pulled him closer to him. "...Am I gonna be okay?..." Asahi asked as he stared deeply into Nishinoya's eyes- he who scoffed. "pfft, what's gotten up with you, we got the lungs..." Nishinoya smiled saying that last part out of nowhere. Asahi's eyes lit up- "I'm...really happy and glad... even when if it's only the time I spend on with you...Nishinoya" Asahi stated with a smile and teary eyes that he loosened his grip.

Asahi breathed in and out calmly as he smiled. "I'm sorry, I wanted me to look like a role model for you... guess I failed" Asahi proclaimed still smiling. "What're you sayin'! I mean, look at me now" Nishinoya smirked making Asahi laugh a little. "I'm ought to tell you... the operation might not go-..." Nishinoya said and got interrupted by Asahi pulling his tie as he sat up and kissed Nishinoya ever so sweetly. As he let go of his tie, breaking the kiss Asahi smiled and nodded... "I know..." He bluntly said yet with a gentle smile. Nishinoya leaned down again, wrapping his arms around Asahi as he kissed him again. Nishinoya broke the kiss and left with a smile. His heart was pounding like crazy, he smiled and walked along. 

After a few hours, it was finally time for Asahi's operation. "Let's get him to the OR, get him into intubation, give him 10 mg of vecuronium" Nishinoya called as he gave Asahi a warm assuring smile he who Asahi smiled back.

After the operation 

"It was a complete success" Noya exclaimed excitedly stated to Ishida and Sanchez who was laughing along with him. "Didn't you give him a little too much of dozer?" Sanchez questioned he then got weird looks from both Ishida and Nishinoya. "10 mg wasn't too much, that tainted giant would probably have needed more" Ishida stated, laughing as Nishinoya followed with a nod. When suddenly it went a bit wrong-  "CODE BLUE, NISHINOYA-SENSEI, PATIENT 108 NEEDS TREATMENT NOW!...CODE BLUE..." 

The three of them immediately headed to Asahi. They all barged in- "Talk to me, what happened?!" Ishida questioned the nurses who were inputting the tube in. "He was awake and just fine- until suddenly his pulse dropped" A nurse replied.  "I NEED A CRASHER!" Sanchez yelled. "Get me an ECG, CCG, and type AB blood. Get him to the OR and we'll need a dose of vecuronium again- this time make it 20 mg- STAT!" Nishinoya yelled as he quickly injected another IV in. "20 doses?! That's crossing the line-" Sanchez shouted at Nishinoya and Ishida before getting interrupted. "BBP IS DROPPING LOW, PULSE- 85/103... 74 over 92..." Ishida yelled. "Listen- I can't lose this man again- not this time..." Nishinoya proclaimed as he glared at Sanchez.

AND TO BE CONTINUED (Authors note: I'm not a medical student, I'm only thirteen-)

Sorry, this chapter was late- I had other things to do-------hiudoshcjx btw it's like 6 am here and I'm publishing this by 6:04 am- I'm sleep-deprived. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THOUGH! 

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