This is too much

30 1 6

Third person's pov:

Asahi is down on his knees shivering and crying quietly as Nishinoya tries to comfort him. "Asahi... wh-what do you mean?" Nishinoya asked his senpai. Asahi looked at him and smiled as he cupped Nishinoya's cheeks. "You're always... shining, glimmering- amazing... then there's me..." Asahi sighed as he stood up and helped his loved one. 

Asahi's lips kept shaking, he kept smiling with a frown, he tried to be strong. "Asahi- it's alright, you don't have to say anythi-" Nishinoya said as he was cut off by Asahi. "No, it's alright... I can't get this off my chest until I tell you...that I..." Asahi stuttered. 

"Noya-Chan! there you are!" Hikaru said out of nowhere as he approached them. Asahi sighed and let get of Nishinoya's hands leaving behind one of those candies they have in the hospitals and medical centers. "Asahi- wait..." Nishinoya said, but Asahi kept walking away as he waved goodbye from behind. Nishinoya looked at the candy in his hands and wondered, why did Asahi give it to him.


Hikaru's Pov: (Yes dis bitch's pov will be included, lol)

I intended to kiss Asahi... It was all my intent, and I don't feel bad about it at all. I'll interrupt them- every time they'd be alone, that's because I love Noya and I'm not willing to give him away that easily. 

"Noya-Chan! there you are!" I shout as I see Asahi leaving. I stumble on Noya's shoulder, where I lean against him. "Say...Noya-Chan, let's go home shall we?" I whisper into his ear. He nods and we head to our apartment. We stopped at a nearby convenience store, picking up some things and some beer.

Noya unlocked the apartment door. He seemed to be looking down every time I would glance at him. Like usual he would sit in front of the TV, but this time he just flopped on the couch and stared at his hands. I was confused about why he'd be staring at his hands. I took a better look and- he was staring at a piece of candy!? And not just any candy- it was those candies they have in the hospitals and medical centers.

"Hey, Noya-Chan? Where did you get this candy from?" I asked as I sat down against the couch and turned on the TV. "It's from Asahi..." Noya responded. My eyes widened, I placed the TV's remote down, and I stood up. "Hm? something wrong?" Noya asked as he turned around and sat up. I clenched my fists and turned around- I grabbed his wrists, pinning Noya to the couch. 

"Hikaru- what's gotten into you?!" Noya said struggling to get out my grip. "You love Asahi... don't you..." I quietly asked yet everything's gone silent. "So you don't know do you?..." I said but the more I tried to say- the more Noya looked confused.

"why not... Love me instead" I whisper as I got closer to Noya's cracked lips. "Hikaru- you're drunk, this isn't you!-" Noya claimed still struggling, yet it was too late. I kissed Noya- or in other words- forced a kiss on him. At that moment I felt nothing but joy to kiss my crush, who seemed to helplessly struggle. I broke the kiss and looked at Noya and he panted, ever so erotically. I must've loosened my grip because Noya pushed me away and sprinted off to his room. I felt a bit guilty for my actions afterward, yet it didn't bother me much.

Noya's pov:

I can't fucking believe Hikaru right now, I'm glad that I got away when I got the chance. I locked myself in my room and sat on my bed, holding the piece of candy that Asahi gave me- I stared at it and the next thing I knew were tears running down my face. "How could I do this... How could I let him take advantage of me..." I whispered to myself in anger. 

I looked out my balcony window and opened the sliding door which was close to reaching from my bed. Standing up I grabbed my phone, wallet and the piece of candy Asahi gave me. I knew exactly where to go when I felt down, but this time I wanted to change it up a little and head somewhere else.

I walk to that place, but I stopped to get some stuff from the convenience store again. That's when it started to rain and I didn't have an umbrella nor a coat or jacket. On the way, I found a stray kitten beside the road. I get on my knees and smile. "I guess that we're both in the same situation here, hehe..." I chuckle when I slowly break into tears. "It's all my fault... none of this would be happening..." I sniffed as I got up holding the little kitten in my hands and heading to where I need- or either want to be.

The rain slowly stopped when I got to where I wanted to be. I stood up in front of an apartment door, holding a stray kitten, all wet, red puffed up eyes, and a red nose from crying. I pulled up the courage to ring the doorbell. "Yes, Yes- coming..." the person inside said. I stood up straight as I saw the door crack and heard them. "Nishinoya?...Wha-what are you doing here at this hour?" They said. "Asahi...I'm sorry... I-" I said but was cut off when Asahi pulled me in his embrace. I break into tears again and clench onto him ever so tightly. "let's go inside, you'll catch a cold like this, and you're all wet" Asahi said smiling as I looked up to him, I nod in agreement. 

I walked inside and I see all these pills and IV's, "What's all this" I asked, "Ah, they were my grandmother's... she passed away though hehe..." Asahi said with a chuckle as he gave me a clean towel and a pair of new clothes as I apologized constantly. "it's alright.. heh, but I'm sorry cause my clothes won't fit you very well" Asahi apologized. I smiled at him and thanked him as I went to change. 

I walked into the bathroom and I see all these bags of pills and medications. I was confused at first but then I remembered that Asahi said that those were his grandmothers. Yet why would he have them lying around the house? I asked myself. I grabbed one of those bags full of pills and turned them around thus I noticed that it was labeled- "Arrhythmia" which is an irregular heartbeat. It can go pretty fast or pretty slow. I continued to read and saw- "Bradycardia". So his grandmother had a really slow heartbeat, is what I thought. "Azumane Asahi" why is Asahi's name on this. I look through all the medications and pills and all of them are labeled with Asahi's name. "This isn't no..." I whispered to myself nervously as I finished changing and head out the bathroom in a hurry looking for Asahi. 

My heart is beating so fast right now. "Asahi!..." I say as my tears run down my face, holding one of his pills. "Nish- Nishinoya, what's wrong?" He asked with a concerned face. I raise my arm, showing him the pills. "Tell me...Tell me this isn't true..." I sniffed as I felt my voice and whole body trembling and shaking.


Asahi's pov:

"Tell me...Tell me this isn't true..."  Nishinoya said as he pulled out my pills right in front of me. I was too hesitant to reply, I felt ashamed- I clenched my fists and looked away, biting my lips. "ASAHI!..." Nishinoya yelled out a cry. I felt a knot form in my throat. I gulped and nodded for I was too hesitant to say something.

Nishinoya fell down to his knees crying. I sat down in front of him- "Why... didn't you tell me... Asahi-... Asahi I loved and cherished you for-... for the longest time..." Nishinoya cried and it broke my heart to see him like this especially when he said that he loved and cherished me.

"Nishinoya... I... I'm- sorry...I know that it won't cut it but..." At that moment I felt as if needles and knives were poking my heart. I grabbed my chest and grunted in agony. "Ni-Nishinoya..." I reach out to Nishinoya and lightly grab his hand. Everything went blurry and I was starting to feel dizzier and dizzier. " pi...lls" I grunt again but it seems that my voice was too low over Nishinoya crying to himself.

I pulled up the strength to at least lean my head against Nishinoya's shoulder and whisper to him that I needed my pills. Nishinoya let me rest against the couch and sprinted to get a glass of water. But I seemed to lose consciousness as I tried to distract myself onto playing with the little kitten Nishinoya brought in."Asahi!" Nishinoya yelled, but that was the last thing that I heard. Thus I opened my eyes...


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