Chapter 28-Time to go Home

Start from the beginning

You nodded and followed Ahsoka as she walked back to the gunship to bring Maul back to Coruscant.


All the clones and Mandalorians were standing at attention when you, Ahsoka, and Rex reached the ship.

You stood by the ship door and waited for Bo, she said she had a way to keep Maul imprisoned.
Your eyes were drawn to a large prison, where Maul was chained down. You could tell that the restraints holding him down were also blocking his ability to use the force.

"Nice job," Ahsoka said to Bo. "I have a feeling even Maul couldn't break out of that."
"Well we used to need something to stop you force-wielding maniacs," Bo said.
"I thought your sister made those illegal," Ahsoka said.
"She did," Bo said. "This is the last one."

You walked over to Rex and shook his hand.
"I'll see you back on Coruscant," you said.
"Sure thing, General," Rex said.
You and Rex saluted each other before you turned to Ahsoka. Rex walked away to help his brothers.

"Hey 'Soka," you smiled.
"You're still coming back to Coruscant, right?" She asked.
"Of course," you promised. "I'm not going to leave you that soon."
"I love you so much," she said.
"I love you too," you said kissing her forehead. "We'll see each other soon."
Ahsoka turned to board the ship. She began to walk away from you, and you got the same feeling of dread when she left you, almost one year ago.

You watched her leave, ignoring the feeling, when Ahsoka stopped and turned around. You gave her a look of confusion, before she broke into a run, back to you.

Ahsoka jumped into your arms and buried her head in your shoulder.
"Bye, (y/n)," Ahsoka said.
"Bye, 'Soka," you said as she resumed walking to the ship.

Ahsoka boarded the ship and you watched as the ramp closed as it took off into the sky, and soon it was gone.

You turned and joined Bo and Ursa as they walked through the streets.
"You're going to do a great job at leading Mandalore," you told Bo.
"I hope so," she responded.
"Just follow your instincts," Ursa suggested.
"Yeah and just do whatever you think is right," you added.
"Don't worry guys, I got this," Bo said.
"We're not worried," you and Ursa said in sync.
"Yeah, sure," Bo rolled her eyes.
"We just want to help you," you said.
"Great job," Bo pat your shoulder.
"We still have to tell the people about our decisions," you said.

Bo and Ursa agreed, so you told them to inform the people while you went to go visit a friend.


You stood in the cell doorway looking at Gar Saxon.
"Hi," you said.
"What do you want Jedi?" He sneered.
"Just to say hi," you said calmly.
"Clearly you didn't come over here just to say hi," he glared at you.

You shook your head and crossed your arms.
"Why did you betray Mandalore?" You asked.
"I didn't," Saxon growled. "You're all traitors!"
"Not in the eyes of the people," you said.
"Maybe not," Saxon said. "But when I get out of here, I'll kill you myself."

You smirked and took a step backwards, out of the doorway.
"Good luck with that," you closed the door, leaving Gar Saxon pounding on the metal fuming with rage.

You left the prison and walked over to where you saw Ursa arm wrestling with one of the Mandalorians.

You smiled and walked over to her. 
"Hey Ursa," you said.
"Hello (y/n)," she said. "By the way, I'm grateful that you came to help."
"I'm Mandalorian too," you smiled. "I'll miss being here, it wasn't my home, but it sure felt like it."

"Well I hope our paths cross again," Ursa said holding out her hand.
"It was an honor to fight among Mandalorians," you said shaking her hand.
"See you, General," Ursa gave you a small smile before she walked away and Bo-Katan approached you.

"So I guess this is goodbye," you said.
"Nah, I'll see you soon," Bo said. "Probably to help you track down your girlfriend again."

You laughed.
"No, Ahsoka and I are staying together," You said.
"Then I'll see you on the battlefield," Bo said.
"I'll miss you," you said shaking her hand.

You and Bo held your hands there before Bo pulled you into a hug.
"Bye Bo," you said when you broke away.
"See you, Vizsla," Bo smiled.

You waved to the Mandalorians before you got in your ship and took off leaving Mandalore behind. You smiled to yourself as you put in the coordinates for Coruscant.

For once, you were proud to be Mandalorian.

So I feel really bad for having Order 66 be separate for you and Ahsoka, but I can not deal with writing about Jesse and all my favorite guys, but trust me, I started crying while I wrote the next chapter.

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