Chapter 5

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The car ride was quiet. A comforting silence surrounding us. This time, Cameron picked the radio station. We got to his house in 10 minutes. He parks the car and we get out.

-"Mom and Dad went to a restaurant, so I guess is just you and me", he says

-"Okay", I reply. We walk to his family room and I sit on the black couch while he puts the movie.

-"Shit, I forgot the popcorn. Be right back", he says as he walks away and I laugh. I take my phone out of my purse. 1 new message. I unlock my phone. Josh. "Hey". I don't know, but I get this weird feeling every time I talk with him. "Hey, haven't seen you in foreve rxD"

Since Cameron didn't finish putting on the movie, I stand up, grab the TV remote and skip all the trailers and then stop it so it would be ready when Cameron comes back. I look at my phone again. 2 new messages. "Wow ur lame :p" "Whatcha doing?" "Gonna watch Harry Potter, wbu?"  

Hey, I got the popcorn now¨, Cameron says as he walks to the room. I clap like a little kid, he sits by my side and I grab the bowl from his hands and put it on my lap. He turns off the lights and plays the movie. I grab my phone. 2 new messages  from Josh ´People getting my hair ready´´Not as cool as it sounds´ .  I chuckle and Cameron seeems to notice.

-¨Who are you texting?¨, he asks

- ¨Josh. He has an award at 5. I was wondering if we could see it¨, he looks at his clock.

-¨We have 3 hours so meanwhile we watch the movie and then what you wanna see¨, Cameron says and i smile.

-¨Thank you¨, I say. I quickly text Josh ¨ha-ha-ha meanwhile Im here eating popcorn in a comfy couch XP¨

Hey,what´s with you and Josh?¨, Cameron asks.

-¨What do you mean?¨

-¨I dont know. You never make friends so fast and Josh seems already like an old fella¨,Cameron says. I cant help but blush. He´s right. I never got any friends, except for Cameron.

-¨I dont know. I guess we got chemestry? Plus he will forget me in a week¨, I say.

-¨But you won´t. Won´t you?¨

I don´t know. Would I forget him? He hasn´t leave my mind since I met him yesterday. I don´t reply and he gets the message. We watch the movie until it ends and Cameron grabs the remote and  puts in on FOX.


Chloe and Jamie walk to the stage, promoting their new movie If I Stay. 

-¨And the best male actor is..¨,Chloe says. She opens the folded paper and reads it. ¨Josh Hutcherson¨. I smile and start clapping.He is wearing a black shirt with black pants and a black leather jacket. He kisses Chloe and thanks Jamie as they hand him his award.

He gives his speech and at the end, when he´s about to walk away, he goes back to the microphone.

-¨This is for you granp¨, he says and I remember what he told me about his grandpa being sick and getting out tommorrow of thehospital.

-¨And Abi, you were right, thanks¨, he says and walks backstage. I stay in shock. Josh just mentioned me in front of all TV.

-¨Wow, he´s really into you Abi¨,Cameron says. I don´t reply. 

Is he into me? Am I into him?


Heyy guys

Sorry if it this chapter looks weird, Im doing it on my cousins´s laptop bc Im on vacatin and i coudnt bring my phone with me and I´ve never written on a laptop in Wattpad so i dont know if it looks good. But dont worry when I get home Im gonna fix it in my phone.

Anyways, I hope you all liked this chapter. I know is short and kinda boringbut I wanted to leave a little cliffhanger.  I cant promise you guys when Im gonna update because I need to wait until I can borrow someone´s computer and being alone bc my ipod isnt working so well either.

Thanks for 130+ reads. I love you guys so much!!!



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