Chapter 8

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After and amazing ride, we stop at the beach.

-"Wanna go for a walk?", he ask

-"Well, I basically have no choice since we are already here", I say and he rolls his eyes. He parks the motorcycle and we take our shoes off.

-"Let me carry yours", he says and I smile. We walk to the shore and start walking, our fingers interwined.


-"What?", I ask

-"Do you love me?", he asks. I blush. I don't know, I've not even know him for a week! Instead I lean in and kiss him briefly.

-"So I was wondering if you wanna be my girlfriend?", he asks. That's it. Nothing special. Just one random question. I always imagined that celebrities would make a big deal if they would ask someone out. Not in Josh's case.

-"Are you serious?", I ask him

-"What, do you think I'm joking?", he looks at me questioning

-"No no, is just that it was so random..", he cuts me off.

-"Abigail Sophie Ackerman, do you wanna be my girlfriend?", he asks and I laugh

-"Yes". I say as I lean in and kiss him. He throws our shoes and spins me around, my arms around his neck.

-"Love is weird huh?", he says as he lets me go. I nod. A week ago I barely cared about Cameron's stupid game and now Josh Hutcherson just asked me out. And I said yes. After a few minutes of walking in silence, he speaks.

-"Abi, tomorrow is my grandpa's funeral and I'm flying to Kentucky.."

-"I know, its okay"

-"I know, its weird. We just got together like ten minutes ago and now I'm leaving you. I'm sorry", he says

-"It's okay. You have to go", I say. He stops, cups my face and kisses my softly. I smile.

We walked for almost an hour and then we stopeed at an ice cream shop.

-"What are we doing now?", I ask him once we are riding back.

-"Wanna go eat somewhere?", he asks and I smile

-"Yes!", I say as I lean closer to him.


I look at Josh's clock hanging on one of the walls. We are cuddling on his couch while watching old movies. Once the movie ends, I stand up. He raises his arms toward me so I help him stand up. I roll my eyes and help him. Then he surround his arms around my waist and I lock my arms around his neck. He kisses me softly on the lips and I reply inmeditely. Then he looks at me and smiles.

-"Wanna help me pack?", he asks and I nod.

-"Okay then", he grabs my hand and we walk upstairs to his room. I sit on his bed while he takes a black Nike duffle bag from the tallest shelf of his closet. He throws it at me and I open it. He starts getting clothes out off the drawers and throwing them to the bed as I fold them and put them on the bag. I grab one of his plaid shirts, take off my cardigan and put it on as a jacket.

-"What do you think?", I ask Josh as I lean into the bathroom door,where he is taking some stuff out. He turns around and looks at me

-"Not as good as it looks on me, but we can work with that",he says and I punch his arm lightly.

-"Well I'm keeping it"

-"You better take care of it. Its my favorite", his says and I roll my eyes while laughing.

Remember Me: A Josh Hutcherson ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now