Chapter 2

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Wait, did I just hear right?

He said his name was Josh Hutcherson

As the actor? Did I just had a chat with Josh?

Then I remember, that's probably why girls have hunger games t-shirts on. And he was really nice to me. I feel bad. I misjudged him and he's actually a really nice guy. At least what little time we talked. That's probably what he thought I wanted a picture with him or he frowned when I asked about him. Wow. I feel really stupid now. He probably thought I was pretty dumb.

I turn around looking for him but he's already gone. I sigh, I was actually hoping he wouldn't be already gone so we could keep talking. I walk back to the court and sit on the bleachers. I look around . I wanna explain him that I didn't knew who he was and that's why I acted so stupid, but I don't see him anywhere. I take my phone out and dial Monica's number. After the forth rings, she answers.

-"Hi sweetie, how is everything?", she asks

-"Hi Mon, look Cameron's game is delayed"

-"Oh Shit. When is it then?"

-"6", I say and she sighs.

-"Crap. Okay don't worry. Thanks for letting us know. I'll tell you dad that you'll get home later than we thought"

-"Mon, I'm not a child anymore", I say and she laughs

-"I know, I know. You are alone and bores and that's why you called me didn't you?", I don't know how, but Monica always knows what I'm doing or how I feel. And that's why she is one of my bestfriends. Yes , my stepmother is one of my best friends and I'm not ashamed to say it.

-"I may be", she sighs

-"Walk around, meet people okay? You are there to have fun, not to sit there doing nothing", I smile

-"Thanks Mon, I'll see you later"

-"You're welcome Abi, I love you"

-"Love you too", and then she hungs up.

I look at the clock. 4:33. What should I do? Should I look for Josh? Maybe I can go and plan something with Taylor. Or maybe I can just text Cameron. I go with the last option and text him a "Hey". I open twitter and start checking it until Cameron texts me back "Hey. Game @6 sorry T-T" "Ik don't worry are u staying there 'til the game?"

Well, alone or not I'm hungry. I stand and walk to the building. I saw a buffet there. I turn left and see a long line of girls screaming once I eneter the building.

What is at the end of the line?

I see a girl with a pink camera and a Peeta shirt.

-"Excuse me, what is this line for?", I ask and the girl looks at me before screaming at the top of her lungs.

-"OMG at the end of this line is my future husband. And I'm gonna take a picture with him. And then he'll notice how pretty am I and we are gonna get married", the probably 14 years old says.

-"Oh okay, thanks. And good luck with that", I say before walking away.

Wow. This people are crazy

I wlak to the bathroom, then I start walking around, until I find the buffet. I pay and grab a hamburger  I walk with my tray and sit on an empty table with two chairs. I open my hamburger and add ketchup on it. Suddenly, someone sits in the other chair. I look

Remember Me: A Josh Hutcherson Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن