Chapter 4

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-"So, are you a 100 percent sure that your  game is at 11:30? Today is not delayed?", I ask Cameron as we both enter. The line wasn't that long, so Cameron waited for me.

-"Yes, I'm a hundred percent sure. I'll see you later okay?", he says. I nod. He smiles and walks away. At least, if the game is on time, I'll only have to wait for 45 minutes. I start walking around, looking for something exciting to do. Suddenly, I remember  that Josh gave me his number yesterday and I saved it in my contacts for some reason.

-"Hey its Abi, I'm bored wanna hang?", I text him. Almost immediately he replies. "Sure, I'm in the cafeteria". "K." I stat walking to the cafeteria. I don't know why I'm so excited to meet Josh. I see him sitting on a table eating fries and watching his phone. I walk toward him and sit in the other chair.

-"Hey", I say. He looks at me and puts his phone back in his pocket.

-"Wassup?", he greets me. I smile as I grab one of his fries and eat it

-"Fries at 11 in the morning?", I ask

-"Why not?", he replies and I roll my eyes as I grab another one.

-"There's a lot less people than there was yesterday", I say and he looks around. He nods

-"Most of the people come the first day. The second day, only the players come", Josh says as he grabs a fry

-"And how's Claudia?", I ask

-"I don't know, she left yesterday because she 'wasn't feeling so good'", he quotes with his fingers, "but I texted her last night and she didn't reply which is strange. I don't know what is going on", Josh sighs

-"Maybe she's mad",I say

-"I think so too, I don't know what I did wrong. She has been acting like this for a while", he sighs. I feel sorry for him

-"So, how is your grandpa doing?", I ask, trying to change subject. He smiles softly.

-"He's getting better. If he stays like this, he will be able to go home tomorrow. My parents and Connor will get here tomorrow morning to check on him and take him home", he says and I smile

-"Well that's good news", I say and he nods. We stay in silence for a while

-"Today at 6 are the Teen Choice Awards. I'm nominated for best actor", he says."You'll watch them, won't you?"

-"I didn't even knew they were today, but yeah I'll see you", I say and he smiles

-"I don't know if I'm gonna win though. Alot of other amazing people are nominated too"

-"Are you kidding me? Didn't you look at all those girls who were screaming for you yesterday? I'm sure you are gonna win", I say and he chuckles

-"I'll think of you if I win", he says and I fell myself blush. I look at my phone.

-"Look, Cameron's game is about to start"

-"I'll go see it too", he cuts me off. We stand and walk to the court. I see Cameron warming up

-"Cameron", I shout. He looks at Mr and waves me hi. I sit on the blichers and Josh sits by my side. I take my camera out of my purse and put it on my lap while I put my hair on a bun.

-"Soo... Have you and Cameron ever dated?", Josha asks. I laugh and shake my head no.

-"What makes you think that?", I ask as I laugh. He chuckles embarrassed.

-"I don't know. You guys spend all time together it could have happened. I don't know, don't judge me", he says. We watch the boys warm up when I suddenly ask:

Remember Me: A Josh Hutcherson ImagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora