Chapter 11

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Josh is coming back to LA after being in Kentucky for 3 days. We have talked every day, and even if this relationship ends up not working, I think we will still be able to be good friends. That's what I hope, at least.

His plane leaves in 4 hours, so I decide to call him. After ringing his cellphone and not answering for the second time, I decide and then call his house's phone he gave me the other night. After a few rings, a woman's voice answers, probably Michelle his mom.


-"Hi, I was wondering if Josh is near. I was calling him to his phone but he is not answering", I say

-"Ohh and who is this?"

-" It's Abigail"

-" Oh Abi, Josh has told us so much about you this last few days", she says and I smile.

-"I hope they are good things uh?", I say and Michelle laughs.

-"You don't have to worry about that. Let me go go to the backyard and call Josh", she says

-"Okay", I say and wait.

I hear Michelle shout "Josh" "What?" "Abi is on the phone"

-"Hey honey", he says breathing heavy

-"Hi Josh, what's up?", I say as I sit on my bed.

-"Nothing. I was playing basketball with Connor and dad", he says. I hear him stop for a minute and then drink something. "What have you done today?"

-"I went to Costco in the morning with Monica"

-"How interesting.."

-"Hey the only reason I go there is for the free samples", I say and he laughs by the other line on the phone.


-"And aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your flight?"

-"I am ready. Got everything packed already"

-"And when are you arriving here?". He hesitates for a moment before answering

-"4 in the morning. If I knew it was that late I wouldn't have asked you to go pick me up"

-"Its okay. I'm excited to see you"

-"I'm excited to see you too, he says and I chuckle.

-"And dad was wondering if you would like to have dinner with us when you're back"

-"Any day. Just tell me where and when and I'll be there", I smile big.

-"I really want him to like you", I say

-"Me too"

-"Your mother told me you were talking about me there"

-"Yeah, they asked who you were and I told them. Mom was happy, she didn't like Claudia that much. Connor kind of freaked out. He accuses me of pedophilia for dating somebody even younger than him", he says and we both laugh.

-"Oh who would have thought! Josh Hutcherson a pedophile!", I tease him.

-"Shut the fuck up"

-"Love you too"

-"Abi", Monica suddenly calls me from downstairs and I sigh.

-"I'm coming", I shout back. I hear Josh chuckle.

-"I guess you need to get going", he says and I grown

-"Apparently. I'll see you in a few hours"

-"Sure. Take care"

-"You too. Have a safe flight"

-"I love you", he says and a wide smile appears on my face inmediately.

Remember Me: A Josh Hutcherson Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن