Chapter 3

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After a long wait, it's finally the hour. Both Cameron's and Josh's teams are warming up. I'm sitting on the bleachers, preparing my camera. I always record the games so his mom can see it later. Both captains shake hands, in this case Cameron and Josh.

BIP. The game starts. Cameron's team takes the lead. 2-0, a guy named Bill scores 4-2. 8-6. 11-10. 16-18. 30-28. 48-50. 76-73. Five seconds left. One of the guys from Josh's team grabs the ball and passes it to Josh. Two seconds left. Josh positions and scores.

BIP. The game ends 76-75 and Cameron's team won. I run toward him and hug him. Then his coach calls him.

-"Be right back", Cameron says and runs toward his team. I turn around and see Josh waiting for me to finish taking with Cameron.

-"Good game huh?", I say

-"I let them win", he says and I laugh

-"Sure you did", I say. I look around and I see people starting to leave.

-"Was this the last game of the day?", I ask him

-"Yes, but we continue tomorrow. Cameron's team as well"

-"So this means I have to come back again", I say and he chuckles

-"Oh well", he says and I roll my eyes.

-"Good game man", Josh says as Cameron walks toward us. He half hugs him

-"It was", Cameron says."Abi, the team is going to eat pizza. Wanna come?"

-"Not really, I'm tired. But you go, I'll just get a cab", I say and Cameron looks at me worried.

-"Are you sure? I can ditch it if you want to", Cameron says.

-"I'll take her home. If she wants to, of course", Josh says. I look at him, then at Cameron.

-"Okay then. Abi, it's okay if Josh takes you?""

-"Sure", I say as I hug Cameron goodbye.

-"Bye", he says and leaves. I turn to Josh.

-"Let's go then", he says. "I just need to tell my manager I'm leaving"

-"What about your girlfriend?", I ask. I don't wanna cause any trouble.

-"Claudia?She left before the game. She wasn't feeling so good", he says

-"Oh okay", I say and we both smile.


We walk into the parking lot. I don't know what car we are looking for, so I just follow Josh. Before we left, he changed into a normal white shirt, jeans and a jacket. He stops in front of a red porche and unlocks the doors. I open the door and get inside.

-"Wow, this car is amazing", I say

-"I know right", he says. "And wait until you see this". He presses a button and the roof starts hiding. I stare like a child and he laughs.

-"So where are we going?", he asks and I tell him the address of my house. He starts the car and turns the music on. I let the wind blow my hair. It relax me.

-"What are you planning to do with your life now? Are you planning to move?", he asks

-"I really don't know. I don't plan on moving. I love California. I was thinking on taking some theater classes"

-"You wanna be an actress?", Josh looks at me and I nod shyly. He laughs

-"What about you? What are you working on right now?", I ask him

Remember Me: A Josh Hutcherson Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن