Chapter 10

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After spending all morning surfing with Taylor, we get out. I throw my dress on, grab my phone and my board.

-"I had a great time. I hope I can beat your ass again some other time", I say and he chuckles

-"Ha I let you win"

-"Yeah right", I say and roll my eyes

-"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanna go and eat some ice cream", he asks. I don't know. He seems like such a nice guy, plus he's not asking me on a date. I'll just have to make it clear that I'm already taken.

-"Yeah sure, let me just text my boyfriend really quick", I say and pretend to text. Josh is still on the plane, so I just unlock my phone and do nothing.

-"Ohh okay", I don't know if he's disappointed, but if he is, he's not showing. After "texting", I turn to him

-"Okay, we can go now", I say and smile. We walk a few minutes, talking about random stuff, still with our surfboard under our arm until we reach a ice cream shop. We order and he offers to pay. Then we sit in one of the tables under an umbrella that were outside the shop.

-"Pistachio ice cream is discusting", he says, pointing at my pisctachio and chocolate cup.

-" Oh no! Is the best flavor", I say defensive. Taylor makes pucking sounds and I roll my eyes.

-" So Taylor, who are you?', I ask him as I lick my ice cream

-" Well, Im 21 years old and Im originally from New Mexico , but I moved here 3 years ago with my brother and together we open some surfing classes, but we had to close ending this summer because he and his girlfriend got married and decided to move back to New Mexico"

-"So you are all alone here in Cali?"


-"And why don't you go back too? I mean, if you are here all alone..Maybe go back with your parents..."

-" My parents got divorced when I was three and my dad dissapeared, so I never saw him again, and my mom started to do drugs and prostitution and now she's in jail.", he says looking sadly at his ice cream.

-"Oh.. Im sorry"

-"One day I came back from school and I saw my brother crying on the kitchen table and he told me that they took our mom because she was in the drug bussiness. A year later, we moved here to California". 

-'' Your brother is older than you?", I ask and he nods.

-" He took me with him when he turned 21and he was my tutor until I turned 21 and was officially legal and then, when he got married he asked me if I wanted to go back. But I decided to stay, the beach is like my second home plus here I have more job options than back home", he says. We kept talking for a while, until I decided that it was time to go home. He walked me the parking and helped me tie my board to my car.

-"I hope I'll see you again Abigail", he says

-" Sure, next time I come I'll give you a call",I say and quickly hug him goodbye.

-"Bye", he says and I quickly get into my car and drive back home, thinking about his past. I always thought I had it bad, but iI think he had it worst. His dad dissapeared from his life when he was really young and his mother is in jail, and he had to live with his brother, and now he is here by himself. 

I look at the clock in the car, 1:03. Josh is supposed to arrive to Kentucky at 8:00. After a short ride back home, I go back to my room and take a refreshing shower. I wash my long blond hair which is all tangled from the beach. Then I wrap myself in a towel and walk to my closet. I dress in some grey sweatpants and a white v- neck long shirt. Then I lay in my bed, grab my laptop and start watching Netflix.

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