Do you regret last night?


Do you...?

So you do..


It's just.. remember when I told you about my mom... father.. and all that?


What if this is what's best for her? What if maybe this is her happiness? What if she needs this? I owe her this much since then again this ...

You bet not be blaming yourself for what happened

I- it's just

A perfect husband and two children, a family

God doll my dad is far from perfect

Like he's the complete opposite, everything he does has its own selfish reason. There's some things I haven't told you and it's my fault for not telling the complete story but Jaren he's not all bubbles and lollipops

What do you mean?

Unlock the door

Just tell me

You know I don't feel comfortable enough saying it through text


Did you just unlock the door?

Well are you gonna sit there wondering or are you going to come in?

Cute ☺️


John opened the door, Jaren sitting on his bed with his legs pulled to his chest. Phone sat in front of him, John closed the door and locked it. Making his way over to Jaren he sat beside him, pulling the younger into his arms and lying him against his chest. Jaren did not oppose the touch, but instead sank farther into the warmth.

"So.. you're thinking about giving me up?" John asked with a small smirk. Jaren sensing the smile in his tone.

"No.. John, it's just last night had me thinking-"

"Then stop doing that." John cut in. "I like you, a lot, but I'd take things as slow as you'd let me. My father on the other hand, he wouldn't. He's manipulative, I've said this before I know I have, the reason my mother stayed in the house all the time was because he'd convince her that he was all she needed."

John rocks side to side in order for Jaren to find comfort in his grip. The last thing he wanted to do was be given up on by the male, knowing full and well his father and Jaren's mother wouldn't last long. He didn't wanna give him up for a one sided marriage. "That if she stayed home then they wouldn't have to worry about me messing up or getting in trouble. That she'd be safe, even though he only said those things so people..."

"Wouldn't look down on him because of her.. depressing art styles. He hated her works were selling more than his business was.. right?" Jaren cut in. Doe eyes looking up at John, the older looked down at him with a fond smile before nodding.

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