Ch. 18: Talking to Bob

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Soda's POV:

I heard the door knock, and Pony went to answer it.

"Steve? What the heck happened to you?" I hear Pony say. Steve's here?

"I need to talk to Sodapop alone," I hear him say.

I stand to see him, and he looked like he got into a fight. I look at him in shock, "Stevie?"

"Soda-" He begins to say, but starts fainting. I quickly catch him, and I pick him up to the couch. He's sweating like crazy. I rush to the kitchen to get a wet rag and I place it on his forehead. Even unconscious, he looks so handsome. I stroke his hair for a little bit.

"He looks so sick." Pony says.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened?"

I hope nothing bad happened to Steve. He's pregnant, and he can't get hurt. I need to talk to Bob and ask him to not put those photos of us having sex. I can't let him ruin our reputation and let Steve get hurt.

"Pony, stay with Steve, if he wakes up, tell him I went out to talk to someone."

He nods, and I run to the park. When I arrive, I see Bob by himself sitting on his mustang. I slowly walk towards him. He turns to me and smirks.

"Well, well, well. Whatcha doing here all by yourself greaser?"

"I need to speak to you."


"About not putting those pictures of me and Steve having sex. Steve and I are dating, you can't ruin our lives by doing this. We haven't done anything to you. I get you're in love with Steve, but he loves me as I love him. Please, for Steve, don't place those photos all around Tulsa."

He hesitates while he drinks. I can smell the nasty alcohol from his breath. He stands and gets in my face.

"Why would I not humiliate you? You dirty greasers don't deserve a happy ending. Steve should be mine. Only mine, and that's why I want to end your reputation."

"Bob, listen, Steve chose me! Please understand that. Plus, Steve has Maleginaitis."

Bob gives me a weird look, "What the hell is that?"

"Steve can have children."

"Oh really?" Bob smirks.

"Yes, and he's pregnant with my child."

I feel like I should regret telling Bob this, but I needed to find a way for him to leave us alone. That's why I had to tell him this. I mean, I hope he don't hurt Steve for this, but Bob also wouldn't hurt an innocent child, so I think I made a good decision.

"Look, Cocapop-," he starts.

"Sodapop." I interrupt. I hate it when people mispronounce my name. It's literally easy to pronounce and remember.

"Whatever, look, I won't put those pictures around Tulsa, only because Steve would get hurt if people finds out about what y'all did."

I smile. I knew Bob had a heart, well sort of a heart.

"Thanks, but please don't threaten us again. We need to live in peace."

"I'll try, but no promises." Bob walks to his car and leaves.

I hope Bob keeps his promise. No one better mess with me and Steve, or else, I'm going to have to kill someone.


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