Ch. 2: Thoughts

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Steve's POV:

Soda and I get dropped off by Darry and he heads onto work. "Come on Soda."I said.

We go to our usual working stations, I work with cars while Soda works at the counter, but sometimes helps me when there's no one.

Honestly, I've had a small crush on Sodapop since 6th grade when he saved me from bullies who nearly raped me.

Flashback to 6th grade...

"Let go of me!!" I yelled to the 2 guys that pinned me to the ground outside of the school.

"No way, pretty boy, I told you that you're gonna be my toy, and I mean my sex toy!!" the guy on top of me said as he touched my crotch.

"Stop it! Help me!" I yell, but I get slapped in the face.

"Shut up, and this will hurt a lot less." the guy said as he started unbuckling my belt, but as he unzipped the zipper of my pants, he gets knocked out by a rock hitting his head.

"Get out of here!" I heard someone yell.

I shakily sit up and see Soda sitting by me and comforts me.

"Hey, you're okay, you're okay." Soda said to me. He hugs me from the side. "I promise nothing bad will happen to you."

That's when I realized that I like him, and not just in a friendship kind of way.

...end of flashback

I smiled at the thought of Soda saving me, he was like a hero. That's one of the reason why I like him. I love him but not that much, but I'm still dating Evie. She's a sweet girl, and I don't want to hurt her by telling her that I don't like her anymore. I might need to break up with her.

"Hey Steve," Soda says to me.

"Yeah?" I say getting out from under a car I was working on.

"What's wrong? You seem off."

"I'm okay, I was just having thoughts."

"About what?"



Soda's POV:

"Evie." Steve says.

Of course, I thought.

"I think I might break up with her."

"REALLY?!" I yelled. "I mean, really?" I said soothingly.

"Yeah, but I'll do it soon, not now."

"Okay," I say. "It's closing time by the way."

"Already? Jeez."

I giggled. I love this boy, he has some type of humor he doesn't show much. I want to seduce him so badly. I need a plan for the gang to go out of town while Steve and I are alone together, but how?

I called Darry and told him that Steve and I are gonna walk home but he told us to be careful, and luckily I have a switchblade in my pocket. We then head on home.


There's another chapter, thanks for reading :)

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