Ch. 1: Feelings

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Soda's POV:

My alarms clock is the first thing I heard and I started getting up for work. I love working, only because my crush, Steve Randle, works there with me. He's my best friend, but I wish we were more than that. I fell in love with him since grade school. I remember the first time we met.

Flashback to 1st grade...

I was walking to my first period class on the first day back to school. I noticed a shy-looking boy sitting by himself. I've never seen him before, he must be new.

I decided to go say hi to him, and as I reached near his desk, I noticed how beautiful the boy is. He had black hair with bangs, blue eyes, and he had on a red shirt with long pants, and was wearing white converse with it. I went over to him and said, "Hi, I'm Sodapop, are you new?"

"Y-yeah." he shyly stuttered. "M-my name i-is Steve."

"Nice to meet you." I said smiling. He smiled back at me, and we became best friends ever since.

...end of flashback

I smiled at the memory, and the thought of Steve being shy as a kid, now he's wild and reckless like me.

I took a long shower and realize that I'm feeling horny all of the sudden. I don't want to touch myself because I promised myself to let my future boyfriend *cough* Steve *cough* touch me, and I want to touch him. Basically, I want to lose my virginity to him.

As I exit the shower, I immediately change to my work clothes, and I exit the bathroom and see the love of my life sitting on the couch watching Mickey Mouse with Two-Bit, one of my friends who is part of my gang.

I noticed how close Two-Bit was sitting by Steve, and I began to feel jealous. I hated the feeling because I know Steve didn't like me that way because he was straight. He's also dating Evie, a very kind girl who I want to hate and not hate at the same time.

"Hey guys." My mind is interrupted by Ponyboy walking from behind me to the kitchen. 

"Hey Pony," I sighed following him.

"Are you still staring at Steve?" Pony whispered. He is the only one in the gang that knows about my crush on Steve.

"Yeah," I said sadly, "I want him SO bad. It made me horny in the shower when I thought of him. I have strong feelings for him." I whispered loudly.

Pony giggled softly. "Dang, it looks like you're obsessed with him."

Obsessed? I've never thought of that.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Because, remember when you met him for the first time in 1st grade? Darry told me that you wouldn't stop telling him about how 'cute' and 'shy' he was, and when you drew Steve for your art project in 6th grade, and you have a journal filled with pictures of him walking, working, playing sports, and you apparently have a baby picture of him, which I definitely find creepy."

The entire time he said those things my mouth was wide open. "UH, HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I whispered loudly.


"The journal thing?!"

"I found it in the drawer by our bed."

"Soda, we need to go to work!" I heard Steve yell.

"OK!" I yell back.

"Have fun," Pony said. "But not too much fun." he smirked to me. I gave him a 'really' look. He walked to the living room and sat by Two-Bit.

Darry walks in from the bathroom fully dressed and we head to his car for work. I sit in the back seat with Steve while Darry drove us to work. This is going to be a long day.


There's my first chapter on this book, I hope you guys loved it.

Thanks for reading :)

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