"Soo Lin...," he tries. She swats his hand away.

"I knew it.," I hear.

"I knew it. You're in love with him, aren't you?" she says accusingly. I feel disappointed. He's not in love with her, but someone else.

"Soo Lin, it's not like that.," he tries.

"No! You, Sugawara Koushi, are in love with Sawamura Daichi, don't try to deny it.," she yells. I freeze in place.

"Soo Lin, please. I did love you, but understand with him it's different.," he says. He tries to reach her hand. She slaps it away.

"No, I don't need to pity of a stupid faggot.," she spits, venomously. He looks down, avoiding her gaze.

"You know he doesn't feel the same, right. I mean, look at you. Pathetic. You know, I'm glad that I spread those rumors about us. About having sex in my house. Now, he'll never want a broken used toy like you.," she says triumphantly. I feel my blood boil. I turn the corner until I'm seen by the squabbling couple. Soo Lin spots me first.

"Well if it isn't the devil himself.," she snarks. As I get closer I see the fear build up behind those beautiful eyes.

"What's going on?" I ask vaguely. She flips her hair.

"Nothing, just a friendly chat.," she says sweetly. I want to punch her.

"If it's nothing, then why did I hear yelling?" I ask. I look at Suga, but he doesn't meet my gaze. His eyes, trained on the floor.

"Probably because your faggot friend has a crush on you.," she replies. I lose it. I shove her against the wall and hold her in place. My forearm holding her by the throat.

"Oh, he likes it rough.," she sneers.

"If you don't shut the FUCK up, I'm gonna punch you right here, right now.," I exclaim. Now it's her turn to be scared. I watch as the confindence she had, shrinks. Then I feel arms snake their way around my waist. I sigh as I release her from my grasp. She runs, not once looking back. I feel his head slump against my back.

"You didn't have to do that.," he says.

"She was trash talking my best friend. I never liked her anyway.," I reply. I hear a faint chuckle. Once the silence settles I feel as his grip on me loosens.

"You heard the whole thing, didn't you?" He asks. I nod. Once he releases me, I turn to see him leaning against the wall opposite of me, head hanging low.

"You don't have to stay, you know. After what you heard you probably-," I cut him off.

"What I heard means everything to me.," I say. He looks up.

"If it meant nothing to you, that's fine, but it meant everything to me. To know that my love is requitted, is enough.," my words leave him speachless.

"To know...," I continue as I step closer. I stop in front of him, close enough to breathe in his scent.

"You love me as I love you, Sugawara Koushi.," I whisper. I trap him between my arms and the wall. But all he does is stare at me in shock. I lean my head against his as I keep eye contact. Before I know it our lips crash together and move in synch. Our tongues dance in a harmony no one knows. We only stop to catch our breath, but even then to lose each others touch was almost as painful as a bullet wound to the heart. I slump my head on his shoulder.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that.," I mumble. He chuckles as he cards his fingers through my hair.

"Me too.," he says.

- Present time -

I pin his arms above his head as I roughly kiss his neck. I feel the mattress sink slightly as he digs his heels into it. I notice the slight shiver in his body and I stop. He opens his eyes questioningly. I release my grasp of him. He opens his mouth to ask.

"You're not ready.," I say plainly. He tries to argue but I stop him.

"Don't hide it. I'm not going to do something I know you're uncomfortable with.," I tell him.

"Sorry.," he mumbles. I smile softly as I kiss his temple.

"No reason to feel sorry princess. When you're ready, you're ready. But now is not that time.," I say as I pull into a hug. He buries his head into my chest.

"I just wanted to make you feel loved too. I feel like this is really one-sided, you know?" He says. I hold him tight. He's too goddamn precious.

"I do feel loved though. Everytime our eyes meet, everytime we kiss, I think, what in the world did I do to deserve you? Because we both know I ain't a model student, the most respectable person, but I still have you.," I tell him.

"Well it certainly isn't because of your cooking.," he jokes. I scoff in mock horror. I hear his sweet laugh. I'm gonna treasure this forever.

HAIKYU: A Truth Untold Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz