Chapter 2: Arrival at Garreg Mach Monastery

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem: Three Houses or its characters, I only own Blythe, Celine, and the changes in the plot that I make in the war phase.



Last Time:

'That was too easy.' Celine thought while looking at the bandit that was on the ground. All of a sudden, the bandit jumped up, and pushed Celine out of the way!

"No!" Celine exclaimed. The bandit then ran at Edelgard with a yell. She heard the yell, and she pulled out a dagger and put it in front of herself.

Byleth saw this happen, and he began to run as fast as he could to the bandit and Edelgard. He got there just in time. The bandit swung down his axe with a "You'll die!"

Byleth pushed Edelgard out of the way, and all he could feel was his world fading into black.


Byleth opened his eyes to see an abyss full of black. He looked around, and all he could see was the blackness in front of him.

'Am I dead? Is this what it's like to be dead?' Byleth thought with a mildly concerned expression on his face. He then heard a voice in the abyss.

"Honestly!" The voice began. It then continued, "What are you trying to accomplish with that little stunt!?"

Byleth turned around to see the girl that he saw from his dreams earlier. The girl began to speak again, in a furious tone. "It's like you're trying to get me killed, you fool!"

She then sighed in exasperation.

"Well, it's fine." The girl said. She then said, "After all, if you don't know the value of your own life, you're not going to protect it very well, are you?"

"Course not." The girl said while standing up. She then began to laugh. After that, she put her hands together.

"Well, then. I guess it's up to me to guide you from now on. Right?" The girl said. She then introduced herself, "You can call me Sothis...but I am also known as 'The Beginning.'"

Sothis then adopted a thinking stance while saying, "Hmm..."

She then began to think out loud, "Sothis...Yes, that's it. My name is Sothis. And I am also called...The Beginning. But who once called me that?"

"What are you talking about?" Byleth asked, confused.

"I was unable to recall my name... until just now." Sothis said.

'Amnesia?' Byleth thought.

"And just like that, it came to me. How odd." Sothis continued. Byleth then adopted a slightly doubtful look on his face. Sothis saw the look, and said, "That look upon your face... Did you think me a child? A mere child who forgot her own name!?"

"Phooey! That child just saved your life!" Sothis said. She then asked Byleth a rhetorical question. "And what does that make you?"

"I am no child!" Byleth responded with a frustrated tone in his voice. Sothis laughed at his response while saying, "Ha! Such arrogance. You look the part, but are you truly an adult?"

"You threw yourself before an axe to save just one young girl." Sothis states. She then said, "Yet all is well, as I have stalled the flow of time for now. You would have died had I not intervened."

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