"So you kidnapped her...." Karsen grumbled, "and you let her be kidnapped." He continued boring his eyes into Darrick's skull. Karsen continued to lecture them while Anna stood there with an out of it smile. She didn't even know what was going on. How'd she even get there again?


(POV change)

We finally got back to the camp, all three of the boys looking disheveled. I did bonk all of them on their heads...It kinda felt nice to scold them.

"Ah you guys are back!" The professor calls to us.

"Oh um Karsen, Darrick, Evan...you all look...bruised." He pointed out, glancing from them to me and over again.

"W-well...moving on....the fire group refuses to make the fire so I planned on having you guys make the fires if that's alright." He continued. He then motioned to a few prissy looking girls sitting on blankets, complaining about no service.

"Yeah sure." I mumble grabbing sticks out of Evans arms. I quickly went over and hollowed a dip in the ground. I then filled it with bits of dry grass I had found about. Next I set up a bit of a teepee with the sticks around it. Our professor passed us some lighters. I lite some strands of grass and got down low and blew on the fire gently.

"Annaaaaa~" Evan cooed in my ear causing me to jump.

"What?" I replied more harshly that I intended too.

"Can you help me with the fire?" He pouts. I glance over to his fire that looks like a whole bunch of sticks and string, intertwined to make some ball thing.

"Hm sure." I nod and stand up. I squatted down near his pike and instructed him on everything I did. It took a bit, but eventually he did get it.

"Amazing! Thank you Anna!" He beamed.

"No problem." I smiled and looked up. When I did our noses were practically touching.

"Oh- sorry." I reply and lean back, but suddenly he puts the hand on the back of my neck and tugs me. Our lips smash against each other's. He pulls away with a cheeky grin across his face.

"Hehe~" He laughed giving a wink. I was pulled far away by Karsen who had a rag in his hand rubbing my lips with it.

"Get back here you brat!" Darrick yelled to the Evan running away. I just sat there, mildly confused. I didn't feel anything from the kiss. His lips were soft but cold. They held no emotion.

"Hey that's starting to hurt." I grumbled to Karsen. He stared concentrated rubbing my lips continuously with the rag.

"Done." He nodded, pulling away. My lips were red and swollen.

"You dummy." I sighed and whacked him. He smiled to my surprise.

"W-why the heck are you smiling?" I glare.

"Why not?" He tilts his head.

"Annaaaaa are you okay?" Darrick says running up with sweat glistening across his forehead. I glanced down at his fist which was red.

"What'd you do?" I asked bluntly.

"Eh? Hehe nothing!" He smiled tucking his hand in his pocket.

"You idiot! You did something rash didn't you?" I sighed.

"No?" He replied. I punched him in the arm and though I doubt it did much damage he still gripped his arm, but with a smile across his face.

"Hey everyone come get your hotdogs!" The professor called out, holding a hotdog on a stick. Everyone lined up single file to collect their hotdogs to cook. Once cooked the professor went around passing out buns.

"Kelley and Mary will be passing out condiments to anyone who wants any." He continues. This is the scene where they purposely spray ketchup and mustard on Kristen.

"Hey Kristen, Anna would you? Oops!" Mary sprays ketchup all over Kristen. I looked up to Kelley. I widen my eyes. Her eyes were cold. They showed no empathy. Then she...smiled and sprayed mustard in my face and down to my shirt.

"Oops! Let me clean that up for you!" She says going to my bag, which happened to be the nearest and pulling out one of my clean shirts. She then smeared the mustard all over my shirt, ruining two shirts of mine. Before I could say anything she rubs the mustard all over my face.

"Well I think I did an improvement for you Anna." She smirks, her cold eyes digging into my soul. Everyone watches shocked with wide eyes.

"Why you-" James starts before I put a hand out to stop him. I use the same hand I used to stop James to swiftly smack Kelley across her face.

"Idiot." I glare, standing up, and looking down at her. I glare at Mary next who scrambles away. I clench my fists before breathing a sigh out.

"Woah that felt good to do!" I burst into a smile.

"Eh?" Multiple people all chimed at once.

"I've been wanting to do that forever!" I smile stretching. I look back down at Kelley and grab my shirt she used to 'clean' me. I then offered her a hand. She looked up at me with wide eyes and hesitantly takes it. I pull her up quickly and when her ear is near my mouth....

"Mess with me again and you will get way worse that a slap across your stupid face..." She jerked her hand away as I gave her an innocent smile.

"Wowww sister that was so cool!" Kristen beamed standing up.

"Heh it was nothing." I rubbed the back of my neck, "Hey let's go get cleaned up!" I smiled offering a hand which she excitedly takes. As we walk away I look back for a second swearing I felt someone's eyes on me, but Karsen, Darrick, James, and Coby were all chatting like usual. I shrugged it off.


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