* * * 

Makarov was sat in a meeting room with the games organisers and the other guild masters, staring at the table. He was thinking about Juvia and the Lockser family, and his heart ached. He had only met Juvia a couple of times when she was a baby. Her parents were some of the nicest people he had ever met and he couldn't believe what he had seen today. 

"What do we do? The air wielder has mastered Zero and Metsu, and that girl almost killed two of some of your best today, Makarov," said the master of Lamia Scale, her fist clenched thinking about Kagura. 

Sting huffed loudly. "They're a threat. They've taken every fight too far."

"As much as I want to agree with you, and yes, what they have done is awful, they all fought fairly. They're powers are unbelievably strong and they don't know when to stop, but according to the rulebook they're playing fairly. They're knocking out their opponents. Last year we saw some violent and brutal attacks happen. Need I remind you that Miss Kagura was almost killed by Minerva of Sabertooth last year? And your Yukino could easily have been slain by Kagura. Plus a few Fairy Tail members did end up in hospital," one of the organisers said. 

Sting sighed. "Okay. I suppose you're right there."

"But the Zero and the Metsu spells are two of the most dangerous in the world. You can't possibly let Aria get away with doing that."

"Bob, I know it's powerful. But all the wizards are capable of dangerous and terrifying spells. Lightning, swords, ice, earth, god slayer magic, dragon slayer magic. When used to its full potential, a lot of the spells that these wizards have can be extremely fatal," said Makarov. 

"I'm afraid Makarov is right. The participants are allowed to use their powers to as much of a degree as they want to." 

The meeting was silent for a while, before Makarov spoke again. "I called this meeting not to bicker about the Phantom Lord guild. Yes, they have hurt our children and been nothing but a dark threat since they arrived, but I need to discuss two very important factors. The first is the absence of Jose, and the second is the water dragon slayer."

"What happened with her today?"

"I think I know. While she was fighting, she used a spell called Sierra. It creates boiling water and is almost impossible to defeat. I've only ever seen one person use that spell before; Tanya Lockser. The dragon slayer's name is Juvia, and I overheard Erza say that she wears a teru teru bozu doll which has an 'L' family crest engraved on it, and I've only ever seen a crest like that worn by the Lockser family. I have a strong belief that she is the lost daughter of the Lockser family."

Everyone stared in disbelief at Makarov. 

"Today while she fought Gray and Natsu, something took over her, like she had an awakening, something that unleashed her true form. What do you think that was?" asked Sting. 

"I think she had a curse on her, or a spell of some sort. And it broke mid-battle. Perhaps it was seeing Gray, or something else. But she wouldn't leave Gray alone after that happened. They must have a history." 

Makarov frowned.

"What do you know about the Lockser family, Makarov?"

"Only that they were all powerful water benders, and that the family had been murdered by a dark guild about twenty or so years ago. They never found the body of the baby daughter. A few weeks before that her mother, Tanya, came to visit me and told me that she was concerned for her daughter, who was emitting an incredible amount of magic power. She asked if I could take her on when she was older as a member of the guild, as I had done when she herself was a child. I accepted, and that was the last time I saw her."

They were a rich family of seven. Well-respected and loved. The father, Hugo, was one of the most powerful water mages I had ever met. They were one of the only families in the world who had hereditary magic that ran in the family."

The meeting room was quiet until another game organiser cleared his throat. "If she is indeed the lost daughter, and we don't know for certain yet, then she's one of the most important people in Fjore."

"It doesn't seem like she knows it. She was just a baby after all. Perhaps she has no idea who she is."

Makarov narrowed his eyes, thinking it over in his head. "You're right, maybe she doesn't know."

"Let's wait until after the games have finished. We should question Master Jose to see if he knows anything about her."

"So Phantom Lord stay?"

"Yes. But we're going to amp up security at the finals and if they try anything life-threatening, they will be punished, you have my word on it."

The members of the meeting were so caught up thinking about Juvia that nobody even thought about Master Jose's absence from the games. Makarov frowned again, and couldn't stop thinking of the kind and wonderful Tanya Lockser and her family, the complete opposite of the gloomy, dark girl who had hurt his guild members.

As the meeting came to an end, Makarov walked alone to his inn and thought for a minute about visiting Phantom Lord himself, but something told him that whatever happened on the stadium floor today wasn't something he should be concerning himself with at this time. Instead, he walked back and was greeted to a sombre atmosphere as his guild children sat around in groups, silent, and worried for the safety of their team. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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