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quiet down, kang has something to say.

"cha junho, i'm afraid that i must disagree with you."

junho irks an eyebrow. "excuse me?"

"i always knew that you were somehow narrowminded, but if this is really the best that you could do.. i don't think i'm that nervous anymore."

"interruption! moderator, please remind my opponent here that he's requested to ask me a question," junho raises his hand, intolerant of such mistreatment. "not to give me one-sided criticism?"

"yes, please proceed with your question, candidate number one." hangyul says, gesturing at a very enthralled minhee.

"trust me, i'm getting there." he glances at the anticipating jaemin, gaining confidence from such reaction from the latter. he clasps his fists. "i'm quite curious of your long term program, which consists of.. the erasure of olympiad qualifications and the addition of extra classes following the case."

"that's correct."

"extra classes for let's say, the whole school, because you said that you want everyone to get the same opportunity." minhee sums it all up. "you want every student to get the treatment based on their current ability. the less intelligent kids — for example, me — will be offered more extra hours just so that we could catch up, is that correct?"

"you just repeated everything that i just said earlier, but thanks for the recap."

"extra classes mean extra hours, which means extra teachers, which also means extra funds." minhee exhales sharply. "now tell me, mr. cha. where in the, 'redacted', will you be getting all that money?"

ah, so we're gonna do it that way. dongpyo glances at yohan, amazed by what had just happened. yohan almost felt the same, but a small part in him just knows that minhee's going to snap out of it and do something like this either way, even though if it sounds almost impossible.

junho licks his lips in reflex. "i'm talking about a plan, you know. its content can be slightly revised but the main idea stays the same otherwise."

"yeah? but i'm talking about reality." minhee blurts out. "this isn't something that we could simply ignore. how are you going to take care of the funds supporting a group of hundreds when even the school still hesitates on funding the current olympiad team that only consists of a dozen people or so? that's impossible."

"an impossible target requires an almost impossible plan," junho replies confidently. "i'm sure reallocating some of the school emergency funds for this particular project wouldn't cause that huge of a damage."

minhee scoffs. "you sure that's worth the risk?"

"with the results that we could get? yes, i think it is worth it."

"you really put that immense trust to our classmates that they'd win?" minhee chuckles. "you even believe that i can effortlessly win an olympiad by the help of that questionable program of yours?"

"though i consider you to be below average, mr. kang, if you were to quit lazying around like an idle individual i suppose there's a slight chance."

is that supposed to be offensive? i don't mind living as an idle individual! minhee sneers.

jaemin slightly raises his hand.

hangyul immediately calls him out. "yes! an interruption from our current leader,"

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