Chapter 22-Natalie

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I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the scene. It was bright, and cold. I was disoriented. I immediately reached for Ellington, but he wasn't there. I tried to sit up, but my body shot various strings of pain down my arms, legs, and back.

"She's awake!" I heard someone say.
"Oh my god, Natalie. Natalie, dear. It's mom. Are you okay, babe?"

I blinked and tried to come to my senses.

"Where's. Ellington?"
I had to force the words from my lips. It took all of my energy, but I did it anyway.
"Who...?" My dad asked.
"Ellington." I forced, again.
"Are you talking about one of the band members on the tour bus? Ellington Ratliff?" Mom asked.
I nodded as best as I could, but I promised myself my to do it again. It was too painful.
"Honey, he came to visit you directly after the accident, but then he had to finish touring. He was quite upset, but he got our information and promised to check up as much as he could. We talked to him yesterday morning... But how did you know...?"
I finally found the strength to raise up and talk. I would later find that this was out of pure love. I could take the pain, if I could have love.
"Mom," I whispered, "you're not making any sense. Ellington and I are dating. We talked about getting married. He visited everyday after the accident. He talked to me about everything. We went to Cali. He fought Issac. He was in the hospital and I didn't think he would make it. I told the staff that we were married and that's how I went in to see him."
"Honey... I don't know what you're talking about. You crashed into a tour bus a week ago. You've been out ever sense. He visited one day, and I have no idea how you would've known about that." She replied, visibly concerned.

The room was spinning. I needed to think. To breathe. I needed to be alone.
"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, but I really need a moment to myself."

As soon as they left I looked down at my shaking hands. Then it all started to make sense.
How would I have seen Ellington and Rydel getting on the plane and talking about coming to rescue me? How would I have known what he was feeling at all times? How would I have seen Ellington rushing into the rehabilitation center to find me. I wasn't with him during those times but I saw him....
It still didn't add up. How would I even known Ellington at all if I had been in a coma for a week.

Then, it came back.

I was half conscious when he rushed out to the bus to see what happened. I saw his face. I heard him say "RYDEL. ROSS. RIKER. ROCKY. OH MY GOD." I heard someone respond "ELLINGTON ARE YOU OKAY?!?"

That's why the others faces were blurry. They were always blurred, because his was the only face I saw.

I dreamed the rest.

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