Chapter 7- Ellington

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I walked into the hospital with overwhelming fear. I walked up to the front desk, wondering how I would even get my words out.

"Can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Um, yes. I was involved in a tour bus crash 2 hours ago and I was coming to check on the girl that was hurt. I don't know her name, but I was hoping she would be easy to find." I said quickly.

"I know exactly who you are looking for. She's in intensive care. Unfortunately you will not be able to visit her tonight, but you can sit in the lobby and the doctor will come out and give you an update. What is your name?"

"Um, Ellington Ratliff." I said quietly.

"Are you her boyfriend? I'm so sorry that she was injured so badly, but we are hoping that she will pull through pretty quickly and smoothly. It must have been tough to receive that call."

"Actually I don't know her. I was in the tour bus when it happened and I went to check on her and-"

My eyes brimmed with tears and I walked away from the reception desk without saying anything else to the lady. I wandered down the hall until I found intensive care, where a man and woman sat with a boy who appeared to be 2 or 3 years younger than me. The boy had his hands in his face, the woman pressed tight against the man with tears in her eyes, and the man staring off into space blankly.

When I walked in they all looked up at me and nodded. The woman sat up and gave me a half smile.

"Hi. Do you know someone in intensive care?" she asked, probably trying to strike up conversation in order to forget whatever predicament she was in.

"Not exactly, it's a long story."

"Our daughter is. She was in a car crash."

"That's too bad to hear. I hope that she pulls through." I said sincerely.

"Thank you." She replied warmly.

I pulled out my phone to see numerous texts from Riker.

"Did you make it okay?"

"Where you able to find her?"

"Are you able to see her?"

"Does she have any family there?"

"Is she okay?!?!"

I started typing as much as I knew. All I could really say that that I had no idea, and I was afraid. Nothing had ever hurt as much as this.

The doctor came up and we all sat up.

"Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Issac," then he turned to me, "Ellington. I have important news."

The other three looked at me in shock, and then I realized that she was their daughter, and sister...?

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